[Abstract]:In order to determine the deformation control index of shield tunnel structure with broken wall rock, considering two common load conditions, top heaped load and lateral unloading, the evolution of load-bearing performance of staggered jointed shield tunnel is studied. Firstly, based on the principle of equivalent stiffness of joint, a simplified simulation method of segment joint without force transfer liner is proposed. The calculation results of bolt axial force are compared with the measured data of relevant literature, and the method is proved to be reasonable and applicable. Based on the simplified joint simulation and the load structure method, the numerical simulation of the bearing capacity of the tunnel structure is carried out, and the development law of the segment bearing state with the section deformation is analyzed, finally, according to the critical point of the segment bearing state, The method of safety grade classification and deformation control index of shield tunnel structure are put forward. The results show that there are differences in yield order of segment bearing members under two different working conditions. The yield order under top loading condition is arch top, arch bottom inner reinforcement, arch waist inner concrete, and lateral unloading condition is arch top, arch bottom longitudinal joint bolt. Considering the durability of tunnel, bearing safety and the opportunity of strengthening the structure, the control value of the ellipticity of the section deformation under the load loading condition is 0.712 / 1.694 and 2.156 respectively, and under the unloading condition it is 0.876 / 1.873 / 2.757, respectively, for the outside arch, the arch top, the inside of the arch bottom, and the bolt for the arch waist, considering the durability of the tunnel, the safety of bearing capacity and the opportunity of strengthening the structure.
【作者单位】: 同济大学土木工程学院;同济大学土木信息技术教育部工程研究中心;厦门轨道交通集团有限公司;上海同岩土木工程科技股份有限公司;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划(“九七三”计划)项目(2015CB057806) 厦门市科技计划重大项目(3502Z20151006) 国家电网公司科技项目(SHJJGC160053)
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