[Abstract]:With the rapid development of highway network in China in recent years, the number of tunnel construction projects is increasing year by year, especially in the high altitude area of southwest China, the mountains are undulating, the geological conditions are complex and changeable, the phenomenon of high gas and multi-karst cave is especially prominent. The tunnel construction technology request is high, the construction difficulty is big. Due to the influence of geological conditions and surrounding environment, the common geological hazards in gas tunnels have attracted people's attention, which has brought a lot of troubles to the construction staff. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the control of the construction process of the high gas tunnel and improve the construction technology of the gas tunnel. Combining with the main construction process of "Tiancheng Dam High Gas Tunnel of Zhengan to Xishui Expressway in Guizhou Province", this paper focuses on the advanced geological prediction technology, excavation method, gas monitoring and detection and prevention technology of high gas tunnel. In view of the gas outburst problem in high gas tunnel, the prevention and control scheme of gas monitoring and detection and the safety problems needing attention in the construction of high gas tunnel are worked out. Considering the geological conditions of coal measure strata in the tunnel, the reasonable excavation method of high gas tunnel is adopted. In the blasting design, the blasting materials, blasting parameters, blasting calculation and the layout of the blasting holes are described in detail, and the corresponding theoretical calculation and analysis are given. In addition, the design adopts the combination of blistering mud and solid flame-retardant mortar, which greatly improves the safety of blasting. The construction technology of advanced geological prediction is based on TRT600 forecasting system. The geological prediction combined with field survey data, through seismic wave reflection scan imaging 3D map and P wave velocity, and combined with the geological observation information of palm surface, draws a conclusion. This paper summarizes the experience of high gas tunnel construction at home and abroad, formulates feasible tunnel construction plan and construction safety guarantee, and obtains certain engineering economic benefit. At the same time, the application of construction technology of high gas tunnel also accumulates some reference materials for the construction of high gas tunnel in the future, and promotes the popularization of construction technology of similar projects.
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