[Abstract]:In December 2015, the "proposal of the CPC Central Committee on formulating the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development" proposed the construction of "Belt and Road" to focus again on traffic problems, and also showed that economic development can not be separated from the development of transportation. In order to deeply study traffic flow, the academic circles have put forward traffic flow models such as macroscopic continuous model, car-following model and cellular automata model. In these models, the following model treats the vehicle as an interacted dispersed particle, which makes it easy to simulate and simulate in the computer, so it is widely used. Drivers are not homogeneous in actual traffic flow, and driver heterogeneity is common. In the psychological system, there are great differences between people, such as sex, age, social and economic level, education level, health status and other individual differences. Some of the above variables are related to traffic flow modeling which directly affects the path and speed of the driven vehicle under a given operating environment and time. Although there are many researches on driver heterogeneity, most of them deal with the data uniformly and then analyze the heterogeneity. In view of this, based on a large number of driver trajectory data, this paper intends to conduct a deep study on driver behavior, and puts forward a scientific driver classification method, and then establishes a vehicle car-following model with random distribution of parameters. The environmental impact factors of different types of vehicles are analyzed. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) this paper introduces the driver heterogeneity, car-following model, vehicle fuel consumption and pollutant emission in detail. Based on a large number of vehicle data (NGSIM data), drivers are classified by cluster analysis. Based on the characteristics of classification results, the drivers are named as "reckless-dull" type, "reckless-sensitive" type, "cautious-dull" type and "cautious-sensitive" type. (2) this paper is based on the GHR model. The parameter distribution characteristics of car-following model are studied in detail. By multivariate linear regression analysis, the distribution characteristics of each parameter in GHR model under different drivers are obtained, and the driver types are analyzed. (3) the VT-Micro model is introduced and applied in this paper. Then, according to the regression coefficient of fuel consumption, the fuel consumption distribution, carbon dioxide emission distribution and nitrogen oxide emission distribution of different types of drivers were calculated. It is found that the drivers with "caution" attribute are generally higher than "reckless" drivers in terms of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. On the other hand, the drivers with the property of "recklessness" are more stable in fuel consumption and emissions, and their volatility is much less than that of "cautious" drivers.
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