[Abstract]:In the closed loop traffic system composed of man, vehicle and road, the correlation between the human factor and the probability of traffic accident is the highest. Based on this, in order to coordinate the relationship among people, vehicles and roads to reduce the probability of traffic accidents, the driving safety assistance system (Driving Safety Assistance Systems,DSAS) has become one of the most important research contents in the field of intelligent vehicles. At present, the existing DSAS system is basically designed on the basis of the reference driver, which results in the DSAS system adopting the same auxiliary control strategy and control parameters for all drivers, which can not meet the individual needs of the driver. If the DSAS system can automatically complete the learning of the driving characteristics of the driver by collecting the driver's driving behavior control data and vehicle running state information, and applies the learning results to the auxiliary control strategy of the DSAS system. It can improve the level of personalization and intelligence of DSAS system. One of the key technologies to achieve this goal is to study and solve the modeling and identification problems of driver's personalized driving behavior control mode. Based on the above problems, the main research contents of this paper are as follows: (1) by collecting driving behavior manipulation data, preprocessing the data, using the data / mechanism mixing method to analyze the individual characteristics of the driver. The extraction method of driver manipulating action node is studied in order to model the driving behavior control mode. (2) on the basis of accurate extraction of driver manipulating action node, based on directed graph principle, The modeling method of personalized driving behavior control mode is studied. (3) using ART2A-E adaptive resonant neural network has the characteristics of stability, plasticity and real-time on-line self-learning. A driving behavior recognition method based on reverse mapping of ART2A-E algorithm and control mode is studied. The results show that: (1) based on the analysis of the individual characteristics of the driver, the method of controlling the generation of manipulating action nodes by setting a dynamic threshold uT is proposed. It can effectively extract the manipulative action nodes. (2) according to the changing law of the driver's manipulating action while performing a specific driving behavior, this paper presents a modeling method of individualized driving behavior control mode based on directed graph. The test results show that the method can effectively reflect the individual characteristics of the driver. (3) using ART2A-E algorithm can better realize the driving behavior recognition based on the reverse mapping of personalized driving behavior control mode. It provides technical support for the research and development of individualized and intelligent driving safety assistant system.
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