[Abstract]:At present, asphalt concrete is widely used in steel deck pavement of our country. Because of the defects of asphalt material itself, the effect of steel bridge deck pavement is not ideal. There is an urgent need to develop a new type of pavement material with excellent performance. The emulsified asphalt cement mortar (CA mortar) has been successfully applied in the construction of high iron as an elastic buffer layer, and its excellent performance has also been confirmed. In order to expand the scope of application of CA mortar, the assumption of applying CA mortar to steel bridge deck pavement is put forward, and different pavement structures are designed to meet the requirements of steel bridge deck using environment. The emulsifying process of asphalt was preliminarily explored, including emulsifying temperature, emulsifying time, speed of emulsifying machine and so on. The emulsifying process conditions with the best emulsification effect were obtained. The effects of different emulsifier formulations on emulsifying effect were investigated by mixing different emulsifiers. The emulsification effect was evaluated by testing the particle size, stability, penetration, softening point and ductility of emulsified asphalt. The results show that the emulsifying effect of I # emulsified asphalt sample is improved by adding NP-20, but the proportion should not be too large, otherwise it will have adverse effect. The stability of emulsified asphalt increased with the increase of OP-10 content, and the three indexes of emulsified asphalt were obviously improved compared with the base asphalt, and the application range of emulsified asphalt was expanded. The emulsified asphalt was applied to the preparation of CA mortar. Firstly, the preparation process and curing mode of CA mortar were screened. According to the construction mode of steel bridge deck, the working performance of CA mortar is improved by adding other raw materials and admixtures to meet the requirements of steel bridge deck spreading construction. The ratio of CA mortar with good mechanical properties, excellent elastic properties and strong freeze-thaw resistance was obtained by testing the application properties of CA mortar. Therefore, the experimental CA mortar is a kind of steel bridge deck pavement material with potential application value.
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