[Abstract]:The KB Bridge of Koror Island in Palau Republic is a prestressed concrete box girder with a main span of 241m. After opening to traffic, the KB bridge has a long-term deflection, which seriously affects its normal operation and finally collapses. The lessons should be reconsidered. The bridge was completed in 1977 and its deflection reached 1.61 m after 18 years of operation. The bridge was strengthened with external prestressing force in 1996, but collapsed three months after strengthening. The results of deflection analysis show that the error of traditional beam theory is as high as 20% compared with that of three-dimensional space analysis, and the larger the ratio of width to span is, the greater the error is. Three dimensional finite element spatial analysis uses a variety of creep shrinkage calculation models: American ACI model, Japanese JSCE model, CEB-FIP model and GL model. The calculated deflection value is 500.70% lower than the measured value (18 years later). The predicted deformation is also inconsistent with the actual measurement. The calculated value of prestress loss is 22 and 24, which is far lower than the measured value of 50. In the only theoretical B3 model, the loss of prestressing force is calculated by using empirical parameters. The calculated deflection is 42. 2% lower than the measured value after 18 years. If the input parameters are adjusted according to the long-term measured values, the results can be more consistent with the actual results. For the early deflection and its prediction, the B3 model can reasonably take into account the shrinkage and drying creep rate differences caused by the cross-section thickness difference. In addition, the B _ 3 model can also take into account the temperature difference and the possible cracking of the roof.
【作者单位】: 西南交通大学土木工程学院;
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