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发布时间:2018-11-13 18:30
[Abstract]:Congestion has become a more and more serious problem all over the world. Traffic jams not only lead to air pollution, noise pollution, energy waste and traffic accidents, but also reduce the efficiency of urban life and worsen the living environment. The city is less attractive. At present, the best way to solve the problem of traffic congestion is to adopt the traffic information service system based on floating vehicle, which estimates the real time traffic state of the road according to the relevant information issued by the floating vehicle. Based on these information, travelers choose the best route and time to ease traffic pressure and reduce traffic delay and congestion to the lowest level. This paper mainly deals with the problem of data acquisition strategy in the traffic information service system based on floating vehicle. Too high data acquisition frequency will produce large data flow, which will have great pressure on data sending equipment and server. Too low data acquisition frequency will affect the accuracy of map matching, and can not get effective map matching results. We need to find the best acquisition strategy. In view of the road network in Shenzhen, we study the effect of floating vehicle data acquisition period on map matching accuracy, analyze the common error types of map matching, and point out the error types which can be improved effectively by high frequency acquisition. The analysis of map matching accuracy indicates that the floating vehicle can significantly improve the accuracy of map matching from 30s to 21s, but further shortening the acquisition period has no significant effect on the accuracy of map matching. The analysis of the types of map matching errors indicates that high frequency acquisition can effectively improve the map matching errors caused by U-turn and course misjudgment, but can not improve the map matching errors caused by parallel main and secondary roads and tunnels. The latter two categories are the main cause of map matching errors. In this paper, the author points out that under the condition of GPS positioning accuracy and algorithm, the period of 20 s is the best acquisition strategy, which can be accepted in map matching accuracy and data volume.


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