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发布时间:2018-11-14 17:00
[Abstract]:Pedestrians are a vulnerable group in traffic accidents. Between 2008 and 2013, the number of people killed in human-vehicle crashes accounted for 26 percent of the traffic fatalities, with an average of 32 deaths per 100 crashes. The mortality rate is far higher than other types of traffic accidents. Therefore, in dealing with man-vehicle accidents, the effects of calculating the speed of the collision, the pedestrian injury after the collision, the marks of the vehicle collision, the final stop state of the person and the vehicle, and the correlation between the pedestrian, vehicle and road factors in the accident are analyzed and identified. Traffic police departments and traffic accident parties pay more and more attention to the identification and analysis. Therefore, based on the information of pedestrian injury after collision, vehicle collision trace and the final stop state of man-vehicle, the speed estimation and simulation reappearance of man-vehicle collision accident are studied in depth. It is necessary to improve the accuracy and efficiency of traffic accident speed identification. This paper briefly discusses the present research situation, accident investigation methods and present situation of man-vehicle crash analysis technology at home and abroad, compares the situation of accident information collection and depth investigation project at home and abroad, and introduces the trace characteristics of man-vehicle accident. In order to study the influence factors of pedestrian, vehicle and road on the collision between man and vehicle, the design of this paper consists of 12 factors, with 3 levels of orthogonal test L27 (313) for each parameter. The height of the front end of the vehicle, the height of the bottom of the front end from the ground, the length of the front end of the vehicle, the height of the person, the weight of the person, the speed of the vehicle, the direction of the collision, the position of the collision, the speed of the person, the friction coefficient of the car and The effects of friction coefficient and adhesion coefficient on the relative distance between the man and the vehicle were significant. Finally, the significant factors were obtained: the speed and the length of the front end of the vehicle, and the secondary significant factor: the height of the front end of the vehicle, the length of the front end of the vehicle, Pedestrian height and impact angle. The real case is used to adjust the collision model according to the significance of the factors, and finally it is proved that it is feasible to reconstruct the human-vehicle accident according to the salient case. The human-vehicle collision model was constructed by means of MADYMO multi-rigid body simulation software. Significant factors such as vehicle speed, vehicle front end length, front end height, pedestrian height and impact angle were adjusted respectively. The influence law of envelope length and pedestrian HIC: the relative distance between the passenger and the vehicle finally decreases with the increase of the height and the length of the front end, and increases with the increase of the speed, the height of the front end and the impact angle. The length of the envelope increases with the increase of the height and speed of the walker, and decreases with the increase of the length of the front end and the height of the front end, and the impact angle has little effect on the envelope. The pedestrian HIC increases with the increase of the speed, and decreases with the increase of the length of the front end, the height of the pedestrian and the impact angle. Finally, the simulation data are statistically analyzed by SPSS software, and two multivariate linear regression prediction models are obtained. The relative distance between the speed and the final stop of the man-vehicle, the height of the pedestrian, the angle of collision are analyzed. The regression equation of the relationship between the height of the front end of the vehicle and the length of the front end of the vehicle, as well as the relationship between the speed and the length of the envelope line, the height of pedestrians, the height of the front end of the vehicle and the length of the front end of the vehicle, The practicability of the two regression equations is verified by three real cases. It can be used as a reference for estimating the speed of a man-car collision accident.


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