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发布时间:2018-11-17 07:46
[Abstract]:With the planning and construction of the "fourth vertical and fourth horizontal" railway network, the Baolan passenger dedicated Line will soon be put into use, and its use will inevitably have a significant impact on the choice of the original mode of transport for the New Zealand transport channel. This makes the market for passenger transport more competitive in the channel of New Zealand. In order to analyze the influence of these changes on the passenger transport structure of the channel and solve the chaotic phenomenon of various modes of transportation competition in the channel, this paper studies the behavior of the choice of passenger transport mode in the channel. In order to grasp the travel rules of passengers, constantly improve the service level, make full use of the limited resources in the channel, make their own advantages to meet the diversified travel needs of passengers, in order to form complementary advantages, competition, cooperation, The orderly passenger transport market lays the foundation. Based on the channel theory and the structure and characteristics of the transportation mode in the passage, this paper analyzes the personal attributes that affect the choice of the transportation mode from the aspects of travel psychology and travel process. The attributes of transportation and social environment are discussed in detail. On this basis, the utility theory is introduced to analyze the three interdependent stages of travel decision making: "pre-decision after decision", and the mathematical decision model of utility maximization is obtained by inference. Based on the previous studies on travel, the advantages and disadvantages of the set and disaggregate models are compared and analyzed. Following the principle of selecting characteristic variables, the MNL model evolved from the Logit model is established, and the parameter estimation algorithms of ML method and NR method are designed. The model is verified by t statistic and likelihood rate. Secondly, on the basis of the survey data on the behavior of passenger transport mode selection in the West Blue Transport Channel, we analyzed the "travel time", "income", "travel cost", "cost income ratio", "cost source", "safety", "comfort", and "travel time", "income", "travel cost", "safety" and "comfort". "convenience", "punctuality" and other attributes give a quantitative method, and combined with the selection principle of characteristic variables, the final choice of "income", "travel time", "travel costs", The characteristic variables such as "comfort" are brought into the established MNL model, and the parameter estimates of each characteristic variable are obtained by TransCAD software, and the form of utility function is determined. Thus, the sharing rate of different modes of transportation among cities in the channel and the total share rate of different modes of transport in the channel are predicted. Finally, by introducing the elasticity theory of economics and using the significance analysis of model t statistics, we select "travel time" and "trip cost" as significant characteristic variables, and study the influence of significant characteristic variables on the choice of transportation mode in the channel. Based on the cross elastic calculation of the "travel time" variable, the variation of the sharing rate of various transportation modes among different cities in the passageway caused by the change of the speed value of the passenger dedicated line is obtained. Finally, the reasonable speed target of passenger dedicated line is 250 km / h. Point elasticity analysis is used to analyze the "travel cost" variable to obtain the sensitivity of the fare change of different transportation modes in the passage to the selection behavior of each choice branch, which provides the basis for the government to adjust and control macroscopically.


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