[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of increasing traffic flow and increasingly tight urban land resources in our country, combining with the overall stress advantage of concrete box girder structure, we can reasonably improve the structure form of ordinary concrete box beam and make it top. The bottom slab has become the bridge deck system. The concrete box section girder bridge facing the double layer traffic is designed. It is a kind of double deck traffic concrete box girder bridge with single box and three rooms. The upper deck of the bridge is designed as a motorway and a sidewalk. The bottom bridge is the urban light rail public transportation, and the city pipeline and cable can be arranged in the interior part of the box girder. According to the 1:6 scale test model of the double-deck traffic concrete box girder bridge in the laboratory, the failure test of the whole bending process of the roof and bottom slab is carried out at the same time, and the bending behavior of the test model is calculated and analyzed. In order to explore its flexural performance and its applicable calculation method, the following work has been accomplished: (1) the experimental study on the model of double-deck traffic concrete box girder during the whole process of bending has been carried out, and the cracking load and yield load of the test box girder have been obtained. The ultimate load proves that the bending process of double-deck traffic concrete box section beams with large span ratio and high span ratio can be divided into elastic stage, elastic-plastic development stage and final failure stage. The load-deflection curve of double-deck traffic concrete box girder subjected to bending during the whole process is discussed emphatically. (2) the deflection, the average crack spacing and the crack width of the double-deck traffic concrete box girder model under the limit state of normal use are checked and calculated in combination with the representative codes at home and abroad. The experimental results are in good agreement with the measured results, which shows that the deformation behavior of the test model in the normal service stage can be obtained by the existing standard formulas. It is feasible to verify the crack width and average crack spacing. (3) the cracking moment and ultimate moment of test box girder are calculated and analyzed by using GB 50010-2010 code and JTG D62-2004 code. It is proved that the calculated values of cracking moment and ultimate bending moment of I-shaped cross-section beam in GB 50010-2010 code are in good agreement with the measured values, which indicates that the test box girder can be equivalent to I-shaped cross section beam. Furthermore, the flexural properties of GB 500-10-2010 code are designed and calculated.
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