[Abstract]:The engineering practice shows that the bedding rock slope is the most unstable and harmful slope, which has caused huge losses to the construction and operation of highway in mountainous area. Based on the national science and technology support project "disaster process control and dynamic control technology (2015BAK09B01) of highway subgrade in southwest mountainous area", this paper takes the landslide of a rock slope in a section of Chongqing and Guizhou Expressway as an example. The failure mechanism, stability calculation and engineering treatment design of bedding rock slope are analyzed and studied. At the same time, combined with the characteristics of the project, real-time monitoring is carried out in the construction process to ensure the construction safety. By adopting the method of quick pile construction of rotary excavating machine, the combined protection of "anti-slide pile inclined braced wall anchor cable" was formed quickly, and the stability of the reinforcement effect was evaluated by using FLAC numerical simulation reinforcement scheme. The main research results are as follows: (1) the present research situation and treatment technology of bedding rock slope stability are summarized and summarized. Based on literature review and extensive investigation, two types of instability of bedding rock slope are summarized: deformation and failure. (2) based on the finite difference analysis method in FLAC, several different slope angles are established by using the Morh-Coulomb Model criterion. The influence of slope height and slope angle combination model on the safety factor of bedding slope is analyzed. The numerical simulation results show that the slope safety coefficient decreases monotonously with the increase of slope height, and increases first and then decreases with the increase of slope angle. The simulation results are in good agreement with the results obtained by the limit equilibrium method. (3) based on the engineering background of slope collapse accident in a section of high speed in Chongqing and Guizhou, according to its engineering characteristics, The "cloud eye" visual slope intelligent monitoring system is used to monitor the slope in all directions. According to the stability calculation and numerical simulation, the maximum displacement of the slope is analyzed, the monitoring data threshold is set, and the warning is timely when the data exceeds the set threshold. The information of emergency decision process is realized, and the joint reinforcement scheme is worked out according to local conditions. (4) the numerical analysis software of FLAC is used to simulate and analyze a bedding rock slope of Chongqing and Guizhou Expressway in Southwest China. Through the comparative analysis of the stress field and displacement field of the bedding slope after collapse and protection, it is found that the slope stability is improved by the combined reinforcement of "anti-slide pile inclined braced wall anchor cable". The force is more reasonable and the disadvantages of anchor rod (cable) or anti-slide pile are solved.
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