[Abstract]:The public transportation system plays an irreplaceable role in the urban traffic mitigation, and the intelligent and informational public transportation system can effectively improve the efficiency of the road traffic system and the service ability of the urban residents. As city residents, they are very concerned about the arrival time of public vehicles. The arrival time can reduce the waiting time and improve the satisfaction of passengers. At the same time, it can optimize the travel plan of passengers and improve the level of public service. In recent years, many countries have realized the importance of public transportation information release, and bus arrival time prediction plays an important role in the application of intelligent public transport technology, and relevant prediction and information release systems have been applied in many places. First of all, this paper introduces the related research background of bus arrival time in intelligent public transport system, based on some problems to be solved in the application process, The development of bus arrival time prediction in intelligent bus system and some research work done in this paper are introduced. Secondly, the structure of GPS system is introduced. Then, based on the analysis of GPS structure, the causes of GPS error are discussed. In the following sections, different error data are analyzed. The GPS data acquisition and preprocessing are the basis and premise of the bus arrival time prediction model, and are also the practical problems that must be solved in the establishment of the prediction model under the existing conditions. It is one of the key technologies for accurate prediction of bus arrival time. Despite the influence of various factors, we can still see from the historical data of public transport vehicles that the running time of public transport vehicles is still regular. Generally speaking, The historical arrival time of vehicles can still be used as the reference value of the real-time vehicle arrival time prediction model. However, for the public transport vehicles running on the same bus line, if the sudden traffic situation occurs, the travel time will still have a certain deviation, if only depends on the historical data, it is possible to produce a certain deviation. However, the average instantaneous speed of the front car (the previous bus of the current vehicle) can still be used as an important reference factor for the traffic situation in this section, on the basis of data collection and preprocessing, Using the data of the front car to evaluate and modify the obtained historical experience data, a prediction model of the arrival time of the vehicle based on the data of the front car and the historical experience is proposed. Finally, this experiment selected Nanchang City High Speed Line 2 to carry on the forecast experiment, the public transport line passed through the Nanchang city, the west railway station two important areas, the road condition is relatively complex, very representative. The results show that the prediction accuracy and reliability of the model meet the practical requirements.
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