[Abstract]:In view of the weak position of the existing hinged hollow slab bridge, the hinged joint, a kind of hollow slab structure with perforated steel plate at the bottom of the joint surface between the hollow slab and the hinge joint, is proposed, and the crack path of the joint surface is changed by the perforated steel plate. In order to delay the formation of joint between hollow slab and hinge joint, the full-scale model test of 8m span hinged hollow plate was carried out. On the basis of experiment and nonlinear finite element analysis, the experiment of hinged hollow slab with reinforcing bar at the bottom of joint surface is compared. The results show that when the test load is 100kN (1.43 times vehicle load), transverse cracks appear in the hollow slab span, the overall stiffness of the hollow slab beam decreases, and the stress state of the hollow slab moves from elastic stage to elastic-plastic stage. During the whole loading process when the test load was added to 300kN (4.29 times vehicle load), no cracks were observed at the bottom of the joint plane between the hollow slab and the hinge joint. When the gate steel bar is arranged at the bottom of the bonding surface, the crack extends from the bottom of the joint surface and forms a through joint. However, when the bottom of the joint surface is set with a perforated steel plate, the hinge joint cracks along the joint surface to the bottom of the open hole plate. The crack propagation needs to circumvent the perforated steel plate, make the concrete crack under the perforated steel plate, and then expand along the top of the perforated steel plate to form the through joint. The cracking load of hinged joints was increased from 69kN (0.99 times vehicle load) to 314kN (4.49 times vehicle load), which increased 3.50 times. When the joint is formed, the load is increased from 199kN (2.84 times vehicle load) to 489kN (6.99 times vehicle load), which increases 4.51 times. It can be seen that the crack development path of the hinge joint changes after the opening plate is set at the bottom of the joint surface, which delays the cracking of the hollow slab and the joint surface.
【作者单位】: 福州大学土木工程学院;长崎大学工学部;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51678154) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-13-0737) 河北省交通科技项目(Y-2014045)
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