发布时间:2019-04-01 23:56
【摘要】:随着社会经济的快速发展,我国高速公路建设规模与日俱增,公路隧道建设的投入力度不断加大,隧道安全问题已显得日益突出。为了营造一个安全、方便、舒适、经济、高效的交通环境,如何解决隧道安全问题日益成为高速公路建设和运营管理单位关注的焦点。 高速公路与一般公路相比,具有线形好、交通流量大、行车速度快、视野开阔等特点;高速公路隧道是高速公路网的咽喉地段,如果不采用先进的安全管理措施,在交通量大、气候恶劣的情况下,极易发生交通事故并引起火灾。因此,研究高速公路隧道的火灾事故及其防控对策,对于降低火灾的发生率、增强隧道的通行能力、保证隧道的安全营运具有重要的意义。 本论文通过调研和资料搜寻,对国内外公路隧道的发展及其安全管理状况进行了回顾,对高速公路隧道火灾事故的产生、特点、类型、致灾机理等进行了分析;站在管理层的角度,提出隧道火灾预案的制定原则、控制方法,以及控制流程等。论文重点研究内容为:通过对隧道火灾特性的分析,明确了隧道火灾发生时,温度、烟雾的扩散规律;从防火救灾角度,提出了隧道通风、照明、防火、以及人员疏散和救治预案,以期在整个隧道火灾发生时能发挥有效作用。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy, the scale of highway construction is increasing day by day in our country, the investment of highway tunnel construction is increasing constantly, the tunnel safety problem has become more and more prominent. In order to create a safe, convenient, comfortable, economical and efficient traffic environment, how to solve the tunnel safety problem has become the focus of the expressway construction and operation management. Compared with the general highway, the expressway has the characteristics of good alignment, large traffic flow, fast driving speed and wide field of vision. Highway tunnel is the throat section of highway network. If the advanced safety management measures are not adopted, traffic accidents and fire will occur easily under the condition of large traffic volume and bad climate. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the fire accident of expressway tunnel and its prevention and control measures in order to reduce the incidence of fire, enhance the capacity of tunnel, and ensure the safe operation of tunnel. Through investigation and information search, this paper reviews the development and safety management of highway tunnels at home and abroad, and analyzes the occurrence, characteristics, types and disaster-causing mechanism of highway tunnel fire accidents. From the point of view of management, the principle, control method and control flow of tunnel fire plan are put forward. The main contents of this paper are as follows: by analyzing the characteristics of tunnel fire, the law of temperature and smoke diffusion in tunnel fire is defined. From the point of view of fire prevention and disaster relief, the tunnel ventilation, lighting, fire prevention, evacuation and treatment plan are put forward in order to play an effective role in the whole tunnel fire.
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy, the scale of highway construction is increasing day by day in our country, the investment of highway tunnel construction is increasing constantly, the tunnel safety problem has become more and more prominent. In order to create a safe, convenient, comfortable, economical and efficient traffic environment, how to solve the tunnel safety problem has become the focus of the expressway construction and operation management. Compared with the general highway, the expressway has the characteristics of good alignment, large traffic flow, fast driving speed and wide field of vision. Highway tunnel is the throat section of highway network. If the advanced safety management measures are not adopted, traffic accidents and fire will occur easily under the condition of large traffic volume and bad climate. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the fire accident of expressway tunnel and its prevention and control measures in order to reduce the incidence of fire, enhance the capacity of tunnel, and ensure the safe operation of tunnel. Through investigation and information search, this paper reviews the development and safety management of highway tunnels at home and abroad, and analyzes the occurrence, characteristics, types and disaster-causing mechanism of highway tunnel fire accidents. From the point of view of management, the principle, control method and control flow of tunnel fire plan are put forward. The main contents of this paper are as follows: by analyzing the characteristics of tunnel fire, the law of temperature and smoke diffusion in tunnel fire is defined. From the point of view of fire prevention and disaster relief, the tunnel ventilation, lighting, fire prevention, evacuation and treatment plan are put forward in order to play an effective role in the whole tunnel fire.
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