[Abstract]:In mineral-rich areas, more and more roads have to be built around or across goaf. Goaf will affect the properties of overlying strata. Under the action of self-weight and external load, the road in goaf will cause large-area surface deformation, and then cause pavement cracking, even large-area collapse and so on. It affects the normal operation of the highway and causes bad social effects at the same time. In order to ensure the normal operation of the goaf highway, this paper takes the construction and reconstruction of the highway in the goaf of Henan province as the background, considering the influence factors such as the traffic load, the relative position of the goaf and the roadbed, and so on. The settlement law of roadbed above goaf is analyzed. The research contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) on-the-spot exploration and drilling sampling are carried out on the road subsidence section in goaf, and the distribution of rock strata is obtained by combining with laboratory analysis. The method of layer summation is used to analyze the settlement of roadbed in goaf. (2) the software simulation is carried out based on field survey, aiming at the two states of goaf or not, the law of subsidence change of overlying rock mass in goaf under the action of standard axial load is studied. The results show that in the period of dynamic loading, the existence of goaf accelerates the time for overlying rock mass to enter plastic deformation, and the closer it is to goaf, the shorter the time of entering plastic deformation, and vice versa. When there is goaf, the subsidence of overlying strata decreases from decreasing to steady and then decreases again, which accords with the division of three zones in goaf. (3) change the position of goaf relative to roadbed in vertical and lateral direction. The settlement law of roadbed under the action of standard axial load at different positions is analyzed. The results show that when the depth of goaf is 20 m 60 m (the horizontal level of roadbed is 0 m), the settlement of roadbed varies greatly, but the settlement of roadbed does not change significantly when the depth of mined-out area is 60 m. When the lateral position of the goaf is-18 ~ 10 m (the right foot of the road is positive), the settlement of the roadbed decreases sharply, and the settlement changes slowly at the time of 10 ~ 15 m. Thus the critical safe area of mined-out roadbed under standard load can be determined. (4) the heavy load acting on the highway segment can be determined by the investigation of traffic volume, and the settlement and deformation of roadbed in mined-out area under the action of heavy load and standard axial load can be studied. The results show that the failure time of roadbed in mined-out area under heavy load is shorter than that under standard axial load, and the value of non-uniform settlement is larger. Therefore, we should pay attention to traffic restrictions on heavy-duty vehicles in goaf roads. (5) select the test section with large subsidence on the spot, embed settlement observation equipment, monitor the roadbed settlement of the field test section, and compare it with the simulation results of the software. The results show that the trend of monitoring data is consistent with the simulation results. In this paper, the study of roadbed settlement in goaf can be used in the planning of road route in mined-out area, and it has important reference significance for maintenance and maintenance of road in goaf during operation.
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