[Abstract]:In order to discuss the seismic dynamic response of hollow structure frame bridge, the three dimensional models of hollow frame bridge and prototype frame bridge are established by finite element software with the project of passing through frame bridge as the engineering background. The natural frequency, vibration mode and time history curve of hollow structure frame bridge and actual frame bridge are compared. The analysis results show that the overall stiffness of the two structures is basically the same, the transverse stiffness is small and the longitudinal stiffness is large, which ensures the stability of the structure. The characteristic points of the structure are analyzed by the time history response analysis method, and the first and third principal stresses of the two structures at the most unfavorable time are compared. it is found that the variation of the time history curves of the two structures tends to be the same, and the seismic performance of the two structures is almost the same.
【作者单位】: 北方工业大学土木工程学院;
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