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发布时间:2019-06-13 10:53
[Abstract]:Driven by the strategic policy of western development, the construction of transportation infrastructure, such as highway, railway, high-speed rail and so on, continues to flourish in western China. The topographic characteristics of mountainous areas and basins in western China determine the proportion of tunnels in construction design. It is very necessary to study the construction structure and construction method suitable for tunnel in western loess area, especially the initial supporting lining structure and construction method. In this paper, the geological characteristics of collapsibility, fast ground stress, easy collapse and irregular joint development in loess area are analyzed and studied, and the causes of prone diseases, such as cracking of tunnel lining in initial stage, large and uneven settlement in construction process and voids after lining, are analyzed and studied. Based on the analysis and study of the technical applicability of shotcrete and anchor initial support lining shotcrete and loess, such as low initial bearing capacity, large safety risk of palm support surface, large springback amount of shotcrete, small construction scale and so on, aiming at the defects of shotcrete and anchor initial support lining structure in tunnel construction and operation in loess area, the formwork concrete and steel arch frame are designed in view of the defects of shotcrete and anchor initial support lining structure in tunnel construction and operation in loess area. The form of lining structure in the initial stage of bolt structure combined support. From the aspects of construction safety, operation safety, economic benefit, engineering quality and construction progress, the advantages, disadvantages and applicability of the traditional shotcrete anchor concrete initial support lining and the primary formwork concrete initial support lining in loess area are compared, and the design concept, structure form, technological process and applicability of the primary formwork initial support lining method are expounded. The advantages of supporting lining in loess tunnel in the initial stage of primary formwork are summarized. In particular, the design and application of primary formwork lining trolley are expounded, which ensures the construction safety, speeds up the construction progress, and further reflects the advantages of the initial supporting lining structure form of primary formwork. It is suggested that the form of supporting lining structure in the initial stage of primary formwork should be applied to the construction of underground concealment engineering in the areas of weak stone surrounding rock, special geological area and above grade 5 surrounding rock, and the development of caverns.


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