[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of urban rail transit, mud-water balance shield technology has been widely used. In order to improve the separation efficiency of mud and water, increase the utilization rate of water circulation and reduce the discharge of wastewater, this paper uses a disc centrifuge to carry out the mud and water separation test. This type of centrifuge has a large number of disks, which can reduce the settlement height and increase the settlement area. In the experiment, the mixing liquid separation test of clear water, clay and fine sand was carried out, and the turbidity of the mixture before and after separation was analyzed, and the turbidity and particle size of the mixture before and after the separation were measured by configuring the shield mud and mixing it with clay and fine sand, and then the stability of the mixture before and after the addition of shield mud was measured. The results show that the disc centrifuge is suitable for mud and water shield treatment, and the removal rate of particles with particle size of 40 ~ 60 渭 m is good, the removal rate is above 90% and the separation effect is proportional to the separation time. The stability of the material is enhanced, the turbidity is decreased, and the median diameter D50 is significantly reduced after separation. The research results provide a theoretical and practical basis for the efficient separation of mud and water.
【作者单位】: 北京石油化工学院机械工程学院;北京化工大学机电学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51104022) 北京市高等学校青年拔尖人才培育计划项目(PXM2014_014222_000065)
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