发布时间:2021-07-11 16:14
【文章来源】:上海交通大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:212 页
List of acronyms and abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background and motivation
1.2 Role of models in tunneling
1.3 Definition of the problem
1.4 Objectives of this study
1.5 Research strategy/design
1.6 Structure of this dissertation
Chapter2 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 TBM Tunneling
2.2.1 Working principle
2.2.2 Earth pressure balance(EPB)tunnel boring machine
2.3 Parameters influencing excavation performance and tool wear
2.3.1 Face pressure
2.3.2 Screw conveyor
2.3.3 Thrust and torque of cutter wheel
2.3.4 Soil conditioning agent
2.3.5 Cutter wheel rotation speed
2.3.6 Penetration rate,utilization factor,and advance rate
2.4 Current state of disc cutter design and development direction
2.4.1 Disc cutter life(Hf)prediction model
2.5 TBM prediction models
2.5.1 Artificial intelligent techniques
2.5.2 Optimization techniques
2.5.3 Evaluation TBM performance through AI techniques
2.6 Summary
Chapter3 Data-driven framework for improving shield performance
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Visual analysis of the data
3.2.1 Statistical modeling
3.2.2 Principal component analysis
3.2.3 Simple regression analysis
3.2.4 Non-linear multiple regression analysis
3.3 Advance rate prediction through neural network model
3.3.1 Neural network architecture selection
3.3.2 Analysis of neural network
3.4 Advance rate prediction through fuzzy logic model
3.4.1 Fuzzification part
3.4.2 Knowledge base
3.4.3 Fuzzy inference system(FIS)
3.4.4 Defuzzification process
3.4.5 Analysis of fuzzy logic
3.5 Advance rate prediction through ANFIS techniques
3.5.1 ANFIS Architecture
3.5.2 Hybrid learning algorithm
3.5.3 Structure identification methods
3.6 Summary
Chapter4 Machine performance using optimization models
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Estimating TBM performance
4.3 Proposed technique for advance rate prediction
4.3.1 Original PSO algorithm
4.3.2 Improvement of inertia weight
4.3.3 Improvement of constriction factor
4.3.4 Synchronously inertia weight and constriction factor
4.3.5 Hybrid improved IPSO-ANFIS model
4.3.6 Model evaluations
4.3.7 Comparison of IPSO-ANFIS model with other techniques
4.4 Proposed technique for penetration rate prediction
4.4.1 Genetic algorithm
4.4.2 Improving ANFIS using GA model
4.4.3 Multi-objective fitness function
4.4.4 Model evaluation
4.4.5 Comparison of multi-objective optimization model with other technique
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Summary
Chapter5 Intelligent approach to estimate disc cutter life
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Visualization to estimate the consumption of disc cutter
5.3 Developing model for estimating disc cutter life
5.3.1 Statistical analysis
5.3.2 Simple regression analysis
5.3.3 Non-linear multiple regression analysis
5.4 An intelligence technique
5.4.1 Group method of data handling polynomial neural network
5.4.2 Hybrid GMDH-GA technique
5.4.3 Evaluation methodology of cutter life using optimized GMDH-GA
5.4.4 Model validation
5.5 Analyze the efficiency of parameters to predict cutter life
5.6 Summary
Chapter6 Case studies:prediction of tunnel performance
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Guangzhou Metro Line no.9(Case study)
6.2.1 Project description
6.2.2 Geological conditions
6.2.3 Rock percentage encountered the tunnel face
6.2.4 Cutter wear and its effect on shield advancement rate
6.2.5 Effect of TBM field database on advance rate
6.3 Guangzhou-Shenzhen intercity railway project
6.3.1 Project description
6.3.2 Geological conditions
6.3.3 Disc cutter consumption
6.3.4 Analysis of shield parameters
6.4 Discussion
6.4.1 Visualization of the evolving models for TBM performance
6.4.2 Visualization of the evolving models for disc cutter life
6.5 Summary
Chapter7 Concluding remarks
7.1 A brief summary
7.2 Limitations
7.3 Perspective
Appendix A
Appendix B
Curriculum vitae
Publications during my Ph D study
[1]The comparative analysis of rocks’ resistance to forward-slanting disc cutters and traditionally installed disc cutters[J]. Zhao-Huang Zhang,Sun Fei,Meng Liang. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2016(04)
[2]巨斑状花岗岩条件下TBM大直径盘形滚刀磨耗规律[J]. 杜立杰,纪珊珊,左立富,孔海峡,许金林,杜彦良. 煤炭学报. 2015(12)
[3]上软下硬地层碴土改良试验及应用研究[J]. 叶新宇,王树英,肖超,阳军生,周纯择. 现代隧道技术. 2015(06)
[4]TBM盘形滚刀在山岭隧道掘进过程中的磨损研究[J]. 赵战欣. 地下空间与工程学报. 2015(S1)
[5]惯性权值对粒子群算法收敛性的影响及改进[J]. 黄翀鹏,熊伟丽,徐保国. 计算机工程. 2008(12)
[6]粒子群优化算法的收敛性分析及其混沌改进算法[J]. 刘洪波,王秀坤,谭国真. 控制与决策. 2006(06)
[7]盘形滚刀的使用与研究(1)——TB880E型掘进机在秦岭隧道施工中的应用[J]. 万治昌,沙明元,周雁领. 现代隧道技术. 2002(05)
[8]隧道掘进机在中国地下工程中应用现状及前景展望[J]. 钱七虎,李朝甫,傅德明. 地下空间. 2002(01)
[9]基于粒子群优化的文档聚类算法[J]. 魏建香,孙越泓,苏新宁. 情报学报. 2010 (03)
【文章来源】:上海交通大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:212 页
List of acronyms and abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background and motivation
1.2 Role of models in tunneling
1.3 Definition of the problem
1.4 Objectives of this study
1.5 Research strategy/design
1.6 Structure of this dissertation
Chapter2 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 TBM Tunneling
2.2.1 Working principle
2.2.2 Earth pressure balance(EPB)tunnel boring machine
2.3 Parameters influencing excavation performance and tool wear
2.3.1 Face pressure
2.3.2 Screw conveyor
2.3.3 Thrust and torque of cutter wheel
2.3.4 Soil conditioning agent
2.3.5 Cutter wheel rotation speed
2.3.6 Penetration rate,utilization factor,and advance rate
2.4 Current state of disc cutter design and development direction
2.4.1 Disc cutter life(Hf)prediction model
2.5 TBM prediction models
2.5.1 Artificial intelligent techniques
2.5.2 Optimization techniques
2.5.3 Evaluation TBM performance through AI techniques
2.6 Summary
Chapter3 Data-driven framework for improving shield performance
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Visual analysis of the data
3.2.1 Statistical modeling
3.2.2 Principal component analysis
3.2.3 Simple regression analysis
3.2.4 Non-linear multiple regression analysis
3.3 Advance rate prediction through neural network model
3.3.1 Neural network architecture selection
3.3.2 Analysis of neural network
3.4 Advance rate prediction through fuzzy logic model
3.4.1 Fuzzification part
3.4.2 Knowledge base
3.4.3 Fuzzy inference system(FIS)
3.4.4 Defuzzification process
3.4.5 Analysis of fuzzy logic
3.5 Advance rate prediction through ANFIS techniques
3.5.1 ANFIS Architecture
3.5.2 Hybrid learning algorithm
3.5.3 Structure identification methods
3.6 Summary
Chapter4 Machine performance using optimization models
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Estimating TBM performance
4.3 Proposed technique for advance rate prediction
4.3.1 Original PSO algorithm
4.3.2 Improvement of inertia weight
4.3.3 Improvement of constriction factor
4.3.4 Synchronously inertia weight and constriction factor
4.3.5 Hybrid improved IPSO-ANFIS model
4.3.6 Model evaluations
4.3.7 Comparison of IPSO-ANFIS model with other techniques
4.4 Proposed technique for penetration rate prediction
4.4.1 Genetic algorithm
4.4.2 Improving ANFIS using GA model
4.4.3 Multi-objective fitness function
4.4.4 Model evaluation
4.4.5 Comparison of multi-objective optimization model with other technique
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Summary
Chapter5 Intelligent approach to estimate disc cutter life
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Visualization to estimate the consumption of disc cutter
5.3 Developing model for estimating disc cutter life
5.3.1 Statistical analysis
5.3.2 Simple regression analysis
5.3.3 Non-linear multiple regression analysis
5.4 An intelligence technique
5.4.1 Group method of data handling polynomial neural network
5.4.2 Hybrid GMDH-GA technique
5.4.3 Evaluation methodology of cutter life using optimized GMDH-GA
5.4.4 Model validation
5.5 Analyze the efficiency of parameters to predict cutter life
5.6 Summary
Chapter6 Case studies:prediction of tunnel performance
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Guangzhou Metro Line no.9(Case study)
6.2.1 Project description
6.2.2 Geological conditions
6.2.3 Rock percentage encountered the tunnel face
6.2.4 Cutter wear and its effect on shield advancement rate
6.2.5 Effect of TBM field database on advance rate
6.3 Guangzhou-Shenzhen intercity railway project
6.3.1 Project description
6.3.2 Geological conditions
6.3.3 Disc cutter consumption
6.3.4 Analysis of shield parameters
6.4 Discussion
6.4.1 Visualization of the evolving models for TBM performance
6.4.2 Visualization of the evolving models for disc cutter life
6.5 Summary
Chapter7 Concluding remarks
7.1 A brief summary
7.2 Limitations
7.3 Perspective
Appendix A
Appendix B
Curriculum vitae
Publications during my Ph D study
[1]The comparative analysis of rocks’ resistance to forward-slanting disc cutters and traditionally installed disc cutters[J]. Zhao-Huang Zhang,Sun Fei,Meng Liang. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2016(04)
[2]巨斑状花岗岩条件下TBM大直径盘形滚刀磨耗规律[J]. 杜立杰,纪珊珊,左立富,孔海峡,许金林,杜彦良. 煤炭学报. 2015(12)
[3]上软下硬地层碴土改良试验及应用研究[J]. 叶新宇,王树英,肖超,阳军生,周纯择. 现代隧道技术. 2015(06)
[4]TBM盘形滚刀在山岭隧道掘进过程中的磨损研究[J]. 赵战欣. 地下空间与工程学报. 2015(S1)
[5]惯性权值对粒子群算法收敛性的影响及改进[J]. 黄翀鹏,熊伟丽,徐保国. 计算机工程. 2008(12)
[6]粒子群优化算法的收敛性分析及其混沌改进算法[J]. 刘洪波,王秀坤,谭国真. 控制与决策. 2006(06)
[7]盘形滚刀的使用与研究(1)——TB880E型掘进机在秦岭隧道施工中的应用[J]. 万治昌,沙明元,周雁领. 现代隧道技术. 2002(05)
[8]隧道掘进机在中国地下工程中应用现状及前景展望[J]. 钱七虎,李朝甫,傅德明. 地下空间. 2002(01)
[9]基于粒子群优化的文档聚类算法[J]. 魏建香,孙越泓,苏新宁. 情报学报. 2010 (03)