【摘要】:本文采用分层控制方法设计一种用于无人机控制的PID和神经网络控制器。利用Matlab控制系统工具箱指令构建系统平衡点和状态空间模型的线性化模型。通过特征向量分析识别出系统各状态间的相关性强弱,以发现降阶系统模型。使用时常数分离系统模型为控制器开发进行进一步降阶,并利用简化模型设计了纵向和横向控制器。控制器参数可由二阶和三阶的系统方程和系统的阻尼比与带宽计算得到。使用MATLAB SIMULINK进行完整的线性化纵向和横向状态空间模型的仿真实验以测试本文设计控制器的性能。为设计模型参考神经控制器进行了系统识别和神经训练。利用近似的俯仰姿态系统和可变频的输入需求对PID和神经网络控制器之间性能的相似性和差异进行了研究。基于PID控制器的设计方法表明,比例参数位于反馈路径而不在前向路径上可优化输入,并在输入需求阶跃变化时产生最小的过冲。本文研究了神经控制器对PID控制器缺点的抑制作用,并对分层控制系统设计中采用神经控制器的重要性进行了分析。
【关键词】:无人机 PID 神经网络 控制器建模
- 摘要4-5
- Abstract5-8
- 1 Introduction8-15
- 1.1 Controller Design Methodology10-12
- 1.1.1 PID Controller10-11
- 1.1.2 Proportional and Integral Parameters11-12
- 1.1.3 Derivative Parameter12
- 1.2 Model Reference Neural Controller12-14
- 1.2.1 Plant Neural Net Model13
- 1.2.2 Reference Model13-14
- 1.2.3 Neural Net Controller14
- 1.3 Project Objective14-15
- 1.4 Notations and Definitions15
- 2 UAV Modeling15-18
- 2.1 Mathematical Model15-17
- 2.2 Modeling Environment and Implementation Algorithm17-18
- 3 Linear Model Analysis18-39
- 3.1 Linearization19-22
- 3.2 System Modes and Stability22-25
- 3.2.1 Longitudinal System Modes22-23
- 3.2.2 Latitudinal System Modes23-25
- 3.3 System Step Response25-31
- 3.3.1 Longitudinal Transfer Functions and Step Response26-29
- 3.3.2 Latitudinal Transfer Functions and Step Response29-31
- 3.4 Linear Model Approximation31-39
- 3.4.1 Longitudinal Linear Model Approximation32-33
- 3.4.2 Transfer Function for Pitch Attitude and Pitch Rate33-34
- 3.4.3 Transfer Function for Speed34-35
- 3.4.4 Transfer Function for Elevation35
- 3.4.5 Latitudinal Linear Model Approximation35-37
- 3.4.6 Transfer Function for Roll Attitude and Roll Rate37
- 3.4.7 Transfer Function for Sideslip Angle37
- 3.4.8 Transfer Function for Heading37-39
- 4 Linear Controller Design39-57
- 4.1 Longitudinal Controllers39-51
- 4.1.1 Pitch Attitude Controller Design39-42
- 4.1.2 Speed Controller Design using Pitch Attitude42-46
- 4.1.3 Speed Controller Design Using Throttle46-48
- 4.1.4 Elevation Controller Design48-51
- 4.2 Latitudinal Controller Design51-57
- 4.2.1 Roll Attitude Controller Design51-54
- 4.2.2 Heading Controller Design54-57
- 5 Neural Controller Design57-62
- 5.1 Model Reference Pitch Attitude Neural Controller57
- 5.2 Plant and Controller Neural Net Model57-58
- 5.3 Reference Model58
- 5.4 Simulation and Training58-60
- 5.5 PID and Neural Net Controller Comparison60-62
- Conclusion62-64
- References64-67
- Appendix A67-70
- A.1 Proportional parameter and input optimization67-70
- Acknowledgement70-71
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