[Abstract]:When the plane takes off and lands, the air entering the engine contains particles of foreign matter, such as dust, sand, weeds, and ice and snow, which may cause engine failure when they enter the engine. It directly affects the reliability and service life of the engine, and indirectly affects the integrated combat capability and flight safety of the aircraft. In this paper, with the help of modern advanced calculation methods and combined with the experimental research and numerical analysis of particle collisions at home and abroad, the rebound characteristics of sand particles and flat plates under the influence of different impact environment factors are discussed. The purpose of the discussion and research is to establish a complete and reliable collision model and a comprehensive database of rebound characteristics, and to obtain some useful conclusions to understand the impact characteristics of sand particles in fan channels or particle separators. It provides basis for guiding engine design. Firstly, the collision between sand particles and wall is simplified as the collision process between spherical particles and flat plates. The geometry model is built by using the LS-Prepost preprocessor, the mesh is divided and the calculation parameters are set up. The collision simulation is carried out by ANSYS Mechanical Launcher startup solver. The calculation results are derived by using the post-processor of LS-Prepost and the laws of the effect of initial conditions on the rebound characteristics are obtained. These laws are analyzed based on the energy analysis method and Newton's law. The initial conditions mainly include the incident velocity, angle, density, plate material and translational velocity of sand particles. Rebound characteristics mainly include impact time, sand slip distance, rebound velocity and angle. Plate materials can be divided into metal and composite materials. The two kinds of materials have the same research ideas but different constitutive equations. Among them, there are three kinds of metal materials, 410Steeeler Ti-6Al-4V and 2024Al. the composite is used as rubber for national defense industry. Metal material is the focus of this paper. The calculated results are imported into the database to get the basic table of the rebound characteristic database and the sub-table of the influence factor of metal plate movement. In this paper, a program is written on the platform of VC. After combining with the database, the rebound characteristics of sand particles under specified initial conditions are calculated by using interpolation method. The relationship between incident angle and rebound angle of impact of sand particles on aluminum alloy plate and titanium alloy plate is measured experimentally. The error between the experimental results and the numerical simulation results is within a reasonable range. The feasibility of the numerical simulation method is illustrated from the side.
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