[Abstract]:Pilot training cannot be carried out directly in the air from the start, which increases the risk of training, and if such a danger occurs, the consequences will be very serious. At the same time, many basic flight theories are taught and a model similar to aircraft is also needed for learners to experiment, which will be more helpful for learners to master knowledge. Such a simulation and simulation equipment is the electric six degrees of freedom flight simulator simulation platform, which can not only facilitate learning, but also reduce the cost, make learning more convenient. Using flight simulator instead of aircraft flight training can save a lot of aviation fuel, reduce emissions of combustion exhaust and carbon dioxide, and have great environmental benefits. At present, the existing flight simulators in the entire civil aviation industry in China are imported from abroad. The flight parameters, flight data, performance parameters, dynamic performance of the aircraft must be provided for the manufacture of the simulators. In other words, foreign countries have fully mastered the technical situation of China's civil aircraft, which not only cost a lot of money, but also leaked technical secrets. Therefore, the research of electric six degrees of freedom aircraft simulator has a high value, and has a very important impact on the future development of large aircraft in China. During the flight of the flight simulator, the dynamic feeling to the flight tester is the most important in the process of realizing the various movements. If the feeling of flying on the flight simulation plane can be more and more close to that of the real plane, To show that the better the effect of the simulator. Therefore, narrowing the gap between simulated flight sensation and real flight is not only an important parameter to measure the performance of simulator, but also an important and difficult point. It is also a problem that needs to be studied and solved in this field in the future. In view of the above problems, this paper will study the optimization of washing out filter control method based on fuzzy control theory, which is based on the classical control method. The flight motion of the pilot brought by the simulator is closer to that of the real flight, which brings a better dynamic experience to the flight test personnel. In this paper, the flight parameters are optimized by analysis, experiment and other methods. Finally, the SIMULINK block diagram is designed by using MATLAB software, and the flight curve obtained by simulation is compared with the traditional one. It is concluded that the optimized curve is closer to the real flight motion, and the optimized result is tested and verified on the simulator.
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