[Abstract]:China Beidou Satellite Navigation system (Bei Dou Navigation Satellite System,BDS) is a global satellite navigation system developed by China. It is the third mature satellite navigation system after (GPS), Russian (GLONASS). On December 27, 2012, Beidou navigation service officially provided passive positioning, navigation and time service to the Asia-Pacific region. Over time, the number of companies using Beidou Satellite Navigation system has increased, covering areas such as transportation, aviation, shipping, express delivery, and so on. As the ground receiving system of Beidou system, Beidou command aircraft is also the user terminal of Beidou system. But most products adopt Beidou protocol after receiving data and send through serial port without the ability of data monitoring and network access. The topic of this paper comes from the actual project of cooperation with a navigation service company. In this project, we need to use the Beidou command aircraft system to complete the acquisition and reception of aircraft positioning data, and to display, store, forward and other secondary processing of the data. In order to achieve real-time aircraft flight monitoring and provide data services. As the core data and supporting data, the accuracy, real-time and stability of positioning data play a decisive role in the safe and efficient operation of the navigation system. In this paper, a real-time data monitoring and data forwarding platform is constructed based on Beidou Command aircraft system. The platform will serve as a bridge between Beidou command aircraft, navigable application system and navigation data center. On the one hand, it will provide real-time monitoring of the status and positioning data of Beidou command aircraft and its subordinate users. On the other hand, it provides the conversion of data protocol and format between the command plane and the upper navigable application, and forwards the serial port data from the command plane to the navigable data center through TCP/IP network according to the demand. The information sent to the aircraft by the upper layer navigation application is converted into the control command of the Beidou command plane, which is sent to the command plane through the serial port, and the command plane is transmitted to the aircraft equipment through the Beidou communication link. Firstly, according to the thought and theory of software engineering, this paper completes the systematic analysis work. The organization chart of the system is drawn, and the connection and interaction between the system and the external environment are clarified. The data flow between the system and the external environment is extracted and summarized. The UML use case diagram is used to complete the requirement analysis of the system, and the top level use cases and individual use case diagrams of the system are drawn and explained in detail. Finally, according to the requirements of the system and the requirements of the design and implementation rules, the system is divided into five functional modules: communication interface, data receiving, data sending, data presentation display and log data recording. In the process of design, the idea of hierarchy and modularization is adopted from macroscopic view, and the design pattern of MVC is followed to guide the design of the system microscopically. In order to simplify the development, improve the efficiency and ensure the quality, we make full use of the underlying function library, factory pattern, observer pattern and other design patterns provided by Qt in the process of implementation. The class diagram of each function module and the representative system interface are given and described in detail.
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