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发布时间:2018-10-25 08:30
[Abstract]:The special dynamic property of the translational point satellite determines its significance in the deep space exploration, in which the deep space navigation communication is one of the important application directions of the translational point satellite. The spatio-temporal uniqueness of quasi-periodic orbits at translational points is the theoretical basis for autonomous orbit determination only by using intersatellite ranging. In this paper, the constellation of the translational point navigation satellite is composed of one quasi-periodic orbit satellite at each of the five translational points. The state transfer matrix and observation matrix of the translational point satellite constellation under the circular restricted three body problem model and the elliptic restricted three body problem model are derived. An autonomous orbit determination model of satellite constellation based on intersatellite distance observation is established. The extended Kalman filter and the unscented Kalman filter algorithm are used in the autonomous orbit determination numerical simulation experiment, and the performance of the two algorithms in the three-body problem model is compared. The simulation results show that the orbit determination error of the translational point satellite can be maintained within 180 days only by using the autonomous orbit determination of intersatellite ranging. Even if the initial error is added, the errors of x axis and y axis can still converge. The orbit of the translational point satellite can be determined independently only by using the ranging information between satellites because the orbit of the translational point satellite contains the absolute azimuth information of the constellation. Therefore, in theory, the Earth navigation satellite can use the distance observation of the translational point satellite to solve the problem of its absolute positioning. In this paper, the motion of the translational point satellite and the distance observation model between the translational point satellite and the Earth navigation satellite are described in the rotation coordinate system of the centroid of the earth moon system. The motion of the Earth orbit satellite is more suitable to be expressed in the Earth's equatorial inertial coordinate system, so the transformation method of the geocentric equatorial inertial coordinate system and the mass center rotation coordinate system is given. The partial derivative of the distance observation between the translational point satellite and the Earth navigation satellite to the orbital root number of the Earth navigation satellite is derived. Finally, the joint orbit determination scheme of the translational point satellite and the Earth navigation satellite is formulated according to the centralized data processing method. In the numerical simulation experiment, 12 GPS satellites and 5 translational point satellites are used. The primary purpose of the simulation is to verify the feasibility of the combined orbit determination scheme. Based on the feasibility of the joint orbit determination scheme, a comparative experiment was designed to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the intersatellite direction finding scheme and the joint orbit determination scheme. The results of the autonomous orbit determination of the stratospheric satellite show that the navigation constellation can only be determined by intersatellite ranging, which is of great significance to improve the safety and autonomy of deep space exploration. The simulation results of the simultaneous autonomous orbit determination of the translational point satellite and the Earth navigation satellite confirm that the translational point satellite can restrain the divergence of errors caused by the global rotation of the constellation of the earth navigation satellite. The joint orbit determination scheme can be used as an alternative for autonomous orbit determination of the Earth navigation satellite. This scheme has a certain significance to ensure the navigation accuracy and system stability of the Earth navigation satellite.


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