[Abstract]:With the rapid development of space station project in the space field of our country, the operation task of astronauts in orbit becomes more and more onerous. In order to reduce the labor intensity of astronauts, the demand for intelligent robot becomes more and more urgent. Future spaceflight missions will be carried out by astronauts and robots in collaboration. The traditional "clamp-type" terminal operation tool has limited working ability, which is far from satisfying the requirement of man-machine cooperation operation. Multi-finger dexterous hands are more flexible, able to work, more adaptable, and more suitable for complex space missions. In this paper, the control system design of the spatial five-finger dexterous hand is mainly studied, and the key techniques and the main difficulties in the design of the control system of the dexterous hand's principle prototype are given. In this paper, several typical dexterous hands at home and abroad are compared, and the tendon driving scheme is selected in the tendon drive and motor drive scheme, and the main parameters of the principle prototype of the space five-finger dexterous hand are given. Each subsystem of the principle prototype of the spatial five-finger dexterous hand is designed. The relationship between the pitch angle and the yaw angle of the wrist and the displacement of the lead screw is deduced, and the linear fitting is carried out. The configuration method of the tendon rope for the N _ 1 full-drive and N-type underactuated schemes is given, the corresponding relationship between joint torque and tendon tension is deduced, and the design method, calibration process and data processing method of joint angle position sensor are given. The high-speed and real-time multi-axis control is realized by selecting suitable motor, driver and Twin CAT automation software, and the design and structure of the upper computer software and the lower computer software are given. Aiming at the finger with N 1 type full drive scheme, the D H parameter method is used to solve the kinematics formula of the finger. According to the force transmission characteristics of tendinous rope, a tension allocation algorithm (TDA) is used to control the tension of each tendinous rope in a reasonable range, and the correctness of the tension allocation algorithm is verified by the calculation results. The smooth change of finger contact force is controlled by impedance control algorithm, and the feasibility of single finger control algorithm is verified by simulation experiment based on ADAMS virtual prototype. The position control and joint moment control of the finger with N-type underactuated scheme are analyzed in detail. The uncertainty of under-driven finger position control is determined by the existence of relaxation region. The uncertainty of position control is verified by simulation experiments based on ADAMS virtual prototype. The feasibility of the dexterous hand control system is verified by the teleoperation experiment and the autonomous grab experiment, in which the force transfer characteristic of the tendon determines the lag in tracking the movement of the data glove by the dexterous hand prototype.
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