本文选题:土地利用 切入点:流域生态安全 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Land use change is the result of human activities acting on ecosystem, which directly reflects the change of regional ecological environment and is one of the core research contents in the field of global change. The integrity and health of watershed ecosystem are mainly composed of structural safety and functional safety. The core of watershed ecological security is to maintain the sustainable development of watershed. More and more countries are aware of the importance of watershed ecological security. The Shuipumiao Reservoir basin is located in the hinterland of Hunan Province. Based on the structure of watershed ecosystem, this paper constructs an evaluation system of ecological security from the perspective of land use, which is composed of the impact of land environment, the condition of water ecological health, and the function of watershed ecological service. Taking Shuipumiao reservoir basin as a typical case, the ecological security assessment of Shuipumiao reservoir basin was carried out by using AHP and comprehensive index method. During the period of 2000-2013, woodland was occupied by a large margin, grassland, wetland, The main land use type of forest land conversion is cultivated land, followed by cultivated land occupied more, the main land use type of conversion is construction land. In addition, grassland and wetland also have a certain proportion to the construction land. The evaluation results show that the pressure of environment and economy in the land area of Shuifu Temple is relatively large, which is close to the ecological threshold, and the ecosystem is stable, but sensitive; The ecological health status of the water area belongs to the medium safe state, and the ecological service function of the Shuipumiao reservoir basin belongs to the better category at present. Based on the evaluation of three aspects of watershed ecological service function, the watershed ecological security assessment of Shuipumiao reservoir based on land use is carried out, and the comprehensive security level of the watershed is at three levels. The evaluation results show that the unreasonable land use in the watershed and the heavy pollution load in the evaluation stage have a certain pressure on the ecological security of the Shuipumiao reservoir basin. The ecological health of water is eutrophication. The habitat is destroyed, which affects the ecological service function of Shuipumiao reservoir basin. These have become a hidden danger to the ecological security of Shuipumiao reservoir basin. In this paper, ecological control measures such as optimizing land use structure, controlling non-point source pollution and constructing and restoring habitat are put forward. It is expected to provide a reference for the protection and management of Shuipumiao reservoir basin.
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