本文选题:碳排放效率 + 区域差异 ; 参考:《新疆财经大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Xinjiang is a large province of energy reserves and a large province of energy consumption. Influenced and restricted by the conditions of location, environment and resource endowment, the trend of economic development heavy industrialization in Xinjiang is becoming more and more significant. With this trend, the energy economy has built the leading support in Xinjiang's economy. The industrialization of Xinjiang will inevitably be able to be promoted by the industrialization of Xinjiang. In terms of total emissions, CO2 emissions will increase in the short term. In terms of total emissions, Xinjiang is also in the forefront of the country, so Xinjiang's carbon emission efficiency is low. The data showed that Xinjiang's CO2 emissions in 2012 were about 5 times as much as 2000, and carbon emissions increased fast. During the "11th Five-Year", Xinjiang did not complete national limits. The requirement of the amount is 9%, the carbon emission task of Xinjiang is urgent during "12th Five-Year". Reducing carbon emissions can start from the two directions of "quality" and "quantity". In view of the objective reality requirements of Xinjiang's economic development, reducing the absolute quantity of Xinjiang is not a realization path, and then the improvement of "quality" is a realistic path. "Quality" Xinjiang is the largest land area in China, and the geography, humanity and economic development level of various prefectures in Xinjiang are different. Therefore, in order to avoid the malpractice of "one size fits all", it is more important to study the situation of the carbon emission efficiency in the region of Xinjiang. In this paper, the carbon emission in Xinjiang is analyzed. On the basis of the shape and characteristic, we measure the carbon emission efficiency level in Xinjiang Prefecture according to the single element analysis method and the non parametric analysis method, and use the regional frontier theory to construct the efficiency gap ratio based on the different production technology sets, in order to characterize the efficiency difference in the state of Xinjiang. The article also engraved the chase effect index. This paper draws the dynamic evolution of Xinjiang States, and uses this as a reference to cluster the carbon emission efficiency of Xinjiang states. Finally, by analyzing the causes that affect the carbon emission efficiency of Xinjiang, the coordination mechanism of improving the carbon emission efficiency and reducing carbon emissions of Xinjiang to various prefectures is designed. The results show that the carbon emission efficiency of Xinjiang is the result of carbon emissions. There are differences in rates, but the differences between cities and cities in Xinjiang have not been reduced. From the perspective of the dynamic evolution of carbon emission efficiency in various regions of Xinjiang, the dynamic trend evolution of carbon emission efficiency in all States and cities in Xinjiang is analyzed, and then the convergence analysis and discrete analysis are added. Finally, in view of Xinjiang There is a significant difference in carbon emission efficiency in each region. Xinjiang's energy saving and emission reduction policy and economic development strategy should take full consideration of the characteristics of the whole region. The carbon emission coordination mechanism of Xinjiang should be constructed by regional spatial organization mechanism, market mechanism, cooperation mechanism, regulation mechanism, participation mechanism and evaluation mechanism, and the carbon emission of various regions in Xinjiang should be balanced by this mechanism. We should continue to narrow the differences in the efficiency of carbon emissions among different regions, so as to enhance the efficiency of carbon emissions and reduce the level of carbon emissions in various regions.
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