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发布时间:2018-05-05 09:39

  本文选题:污水厂污泥 + 生物质 ; 参考:《天津科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization in our country and the increase of sludge treatment capacity in cities and towns, the amount of sludge that needs safe treatment and disposal is also increasing day by day. Thermal drying is a more effective and environmentally friendly way of sludge treatment, and the sludge after hot drying can be landfill. To make agricultural fertilizer, garden and building materials, or incinerate directly, so as to realize the requirements of reducing, stabilizing, innocuous and resource utilization of sludge safety disposal. Hot air convection drying of sludge is one of the main forms of hot drying at present, but sludge is easy to agglomerate and shrink during drying process, which increases the resistance of internal moisture diffusion to the surface, which results in long drying time and high energy consumption of sludge. In view of the difficult problem of increasing mass transfer resistance by sludge drying shrinkage, this paper proposes an idea of using biomass to improve the drying characteristics of sludge by hot air: adding a certain amount of conveying biomass particles to wet sludge to change the internal structure of sludge. Increase porosity and internal water diffusion channel, reduce mass transfer resistance during drying process, so as to improve the drying rate of sludge hot air. In addition, the low calorific value of wet sludge could not be burned on its own, and biomass increased the calorific value of wet sludge and made it self-sustaining combustion. In this paper, the characteristics of mixed drying of sludge and biomass, the influence of process parameters, the mathematical model of drying, and the pyrolysis and incineration characteristics of drying products are studied and analyzed. In order to provide some basic knowledge and technical data for understanding biomass and sludge blending drying process. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1) drying characteristics of sludge and biomass blend in wastewater treatment plant. The drying process of sludge and biomass was studied by using a self-made hot air drying test rig. The drying characteristics of the mixture and the effect of process parameters on the drying process were studied. The results showed that the addition of sawdust and bran was beneficial to shorten the drying time of sludge, and under the experimental conditions, the drying time of sludge could be reduced by half. 2) the mathematical model of mixed drying of sludge and biomass was obtained. Based on the experimental data, the kinematic model of mixed drying of sludge and the mathematical model of drying dynamics considering volume shrinkage were established respectively. Biomass such as sawdust increased the moisture diffusion coefficient of sludge and reduced the pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of sludge and biomass dry products. The pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of sludge mixture in nitrogen and air atmosphere were measured by thermogravimetric analyzer. The combustion indexes of sludge and biomass mixture were analyzed and calculated. It was found that sludge reduced the ignition point of biomass. Biomass increased the combustibility index, combustibility index and combustible index of sludge.


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