[Abstract]:By establishing the vehicle emission inventory of Chang-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region in 2012, the characteristics of vehicle exhaust emission in the region are analyzed, the space-time distribution factor of the emission is studied, and the uncertainty of the inventory is analyzed. The results show that in 2012, the NH _ 3 emissions of COC _ (2. 5) PM_ (10) and VOCs _ (10) from road vehicle exhaust in Changzhou-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan area were 11.86 ~ (1.78) ~ 3.880 ~ (0.23) ~ 0.262.52, 600 t, respectively. Among them, truck is the main contribution source of PM2.5, passenger vehicle and motorcycle are the main contribution source of CO, motorcycle is the main contribution source of VOCs, and passenger vehicle is the main contribution source of NH3. The contribution rate of China I standard vehicle to the VOCs of COHCOHCI is about 33.53.90.The contribution rate of the standard vehicle COHCOHCOHCOHCOHCOHCOHCOHCOHCOXTROXTRO-PM2.5 / PM10 to VOCsNH _ 3 is about 38.60.44. / 54.1m / 17.1N / 16.2which is higher than the occupation rate of the vehicle, so the exhaust emission control should start with the national I, the national I vehicle. In addition, the emission of 08:00 and 17:00 per day in the middle of the week is higher than that in the suburbs and towns, and the amount of vehicles used by urban residents has a great influence on the emission of motor vehicle emissions. The uncertainty in the estimation of road vehicle emission inventory mainly comes from the activity level data, especially the selection of average mileage.
【作者单位】: 湘潭大学化工学院;湖南省环境保护科学研究院;
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