[Abstract]:In recent years, plant microbes have combined to repair heavy metals contaminated soil. This method has become a new method of remediation. This method has made full use of the advantages of heavy metal hyperconcentration plant repair and microbial remediation by using the mutualism of soil microbial plants to improve the efficiency of soil remediation. In this study, 32 turf plants were screened under the condition of high soil concentration Co2+ stress, and 4 kinds of lawn plants with relatively good growth traits and cobalt resistance were screened. The cobalt tolerance ability of the 4 turf plants was evaluated by the advanced biometric method, and the cobalt rich was studied. The best method of plant harvesting was discussed. Using the selected co resistant specific strains with plant growth promoting effect, the technology of CO remediation of soil cobalt with plant construction microorganism plants was used. The main results were as follows: (1) 4 species of turf plants were screened from 32 turf plants under high concentration of Co2+ (100mg/L) coerced soil. Turf plants have obvious growth advantages and excellent resistance under the stress of soil Co2+ stress. They are tall fescue (Festucaelata Keng ex E.Alexeev), annual ryegrass (Loliummultiflorum Lam.), and Timothy grass (Uraria crinita (L.) Desv.ex DC.). The relative germination rate, relative germination potential, relative germination index and relative vigor index of turf plants showed an increasing trend, indicating that low concentration of Co2+ had a certain promotion effect on plant germination. Different from this, the Co2+ treatment of high concentration (50mg/L, 100mg/L) could inhibit the germination of plants. The seeds of tall fescue were in high concentration. The relative germination rate, relative germination potential, relative germination index and relative vigor index were better than the other 3 plants, and the tolerance ability of the seed germination of Four Turf plants was investigated by weight assignment method. The Co2+ tolerance of the seed germination of Four Turf plants was evaluated, and the seed germination of four kinds of turf plants was given by the weight assignment method. (2) the relative conductivity of four kinds of turf plants, proline, malondialdehyde and superoxide free radicals all showed an increasing trend with the increase of cobalt concentration, which showed that the damage of plants was also higher and higher as the concentration of Co2+ treatment increased. The chlorophyll content of Fescue and Timothy grass increased first and then decreased. When the concentration of Co2+ treatment was below 50 mg? Kg-1, chlorophyll content gradually increased with the increase of Co2+ treatment concentration. When it reached 50 mg? Kg-1, the chlorophyll content decreased significantly. The low concentration of Co2+ treatment concentration for Tall Fescue and annual ryegrass Chlorophyll synthesis has a certain promotion effect. On the contrary, when the concentration of Co2+ is too high, the chlorophyll content will be inhibited. The chlorophyll content of ryegrass and duck grass decreases with the increase of cobalt concentration, and the decrease is not obvious when the low concentration is low, which indicates that the tolerance of the two plants is weaker than the other two kinds of soluble proteins. As for soluble sugar, the content of ryegrass and Timothy grass increased gradually with the increase of cobalt concentration, which showed that the tolerance of the two plants was weak. The high fescue appeared to increase first and then decline, indicating that with the increase of cobalt treatment concentration, the tall fescue was soluble in soluble sugar soluble sugar. When the content of sex protein increased, the damage of tall fescue was seriously damaged and soluble sugar soluble protein content decreased when the concentration reached high concentration. The principal component analysis and weight analysis of the physiological and biochemical and apparent growth indexes of 4 lawn plants were carried out, and the comprehensive evaluation value of Co2+ tolerance for four lawn plants and four kinds of turf planting were obtained. The tolerance ability of cobalt at seedling stage was the annual ryegrass of fescue Timothy grass. (3) under the experimental condition, the enrichment of plant Co2+ was estimated. The study found that the harvest method of multiple stubble harvesting on the ground can effectively reduce the content of Co2+ in the soil, and can reduce the planting times, reduce the artificial cost and the soil Co2+ content. For 100mg/kg, the removal of Co2+ ion per hectare per hectare per hectare is about 2.36kg per hectare per hectare, and the Co2+ removal rate of soil is 1.56% per hectare per hectare. The annual Co2+ removal rate per hectare per hectare on the annual rye grassland is 3.11kg, the soil Co2+ removal rate is 1.85%. (4) tall fescue, annual ryegrass and Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus thuringiensis The combination of three strains of bacteria is the best combination in the plant microbial combined repair system. When soil Co2+ content is 50mg/kg and 100mg/kg, the removal capacity of cobalt ion soil will be increased by 14.01%, 8.46% and 16.48% respectively. Tall fescue, one year old Ryegrass with Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis The combination of three strains of Bacillus thuringiensis is the best combination in the plant microbial combined repair system, and the removal rate of soil cobalt ion can be increased by about 15%.
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