[Abstract]:With the harm caused by the oil spill accident at sea has been paid more and more attention to, every country has carried out a large number of oil spill emergency research work according to their own characteristics of oil spill accident. The research work of oil spill emergency management can provide scientific decision support for oil spill emergency and reduce the harm caused by oil spill accident. Aiming at the existing problems in oil spill emergency management, this paper discusses the oil spill trajectory prediction model, oil spill emergency resource scheduling model and GIS display technology, and builds a WebGIS platform using open source software such as Geo Server OpenLayers and PostgreSQL. Provide technical support for oil spill emergency. The main research results and work in this paper are as follows: (1) the design of the technical framework of oil spill emergency solution based on WebGIS. The key open source technologies used in building WebGIS platform are analyzed and the technical framework of oil spill emergency solution is designed. (2) the implementation of oil spill trajectory prediction model. The prediction model of oil spill trajectory is an important reference for making oil spill emergency plan. This paper analyzes the factors influencing oil spill trajectory, and selects the model suitable for oil spill trajectory prediction based on the previous research. According to the theoretical basis of the model, the system is implemented. (3) the construction of oil spill emergency resource scheduling model. This paper discusses the application of case-based reasoning and GIS technology in the emergency resource scheduling model, and constructs a multi-objective and multi-emergency resource allocation model for oil spill emergency resource scheduling, in order to obtain the best emergency resource scheduling scheme. The algorithm of land and sea integrated emergency resource route planning is designed. (4) A marine oil spill emergency decision support system based on WebGIS is designed and implemented. The WebGIS platform is built and the auxiliary decision support system for offshore oil spill emergency is designed and implemented based on the WebGIS platform. The solution of oil spill emergency is obtained by synthesizing the oil spill simulation information and the emergency resource scheduling information.
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