[Abstract]:With the development of society, human civilization is also gradually improving, and the recycling of economy and materials has been paid more and more attention. The environmental pollution problem has been at the top of the wave in recent years. For the environmental pollution, the most concern is garbage pollution and garbage classification. However, as far as the present situation of our country is concerned, garbage sorting is facing a dilemma of collective action. A large number of residents are afraid of trouble, lack of clarity on garbage classification, fear of wasting time, and other reasons leading to the chaotic stacking of garbage. This creates the dilemma of material and resource recycling. It is obvious that only by classifying garbage from the source according to regulations can the recycling of resources be realized and the possibility of reducing garbage pollution can be realized. In view of the problem that garbage classification can not be solved well, some researches have put forward the principles of third party enforcement, selective incentive, independent organization, independent governance and the use of social capital to strengthen residents' awareness and action of garbage classification. This paper analyzes the plight of residents' collective action in the source classification of municipal solid waste (MSW), and puts forward corresponding solutions to the difficulties in classifying MSW collectively.
【作者单位】: 北京环境卫生工程集团有限公司
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