[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization in China, rivers are more and more frequently affected by human activities, and the phenomenon of heavy metal pollution in rivers is becoming more and more serious. Pujiang County, as the largest crystal glass industry agglomeration area in China, has caused great pollution to Puyang River Basin due to unreasonable development. In 2014, Pujiang County carried out sediment desilting in Puyang River Basin (urban section of Pujiang County) in order to restore the normal function and ecological environment of the river. In order to reflect the content of heavy metals in sediment and riparian soil before and after silting in Puyang River Basin (urban section of Pujiang County), 50 samples of soil and sediment from six rivers in Puyang River Basin and 64 samples from ecological siltation station were collected. Six elements, such as As,Cr,Ni,Cu,Zn,Pb, were selected as evaluation elements, their content characteristics were counted, and spatial distribution and correlation analysis were carried out. Then the pollution of soil and sediment of each river in the study area was comprehensively evaluated from three evaluation methods: Neimero index method, land accumulation index method and potential ecological hazard index method. At the same time, through the study of heavy metals in crystal waste residue in Pujiang County, whether there is heavy metal harm or not, and whether it is related to the content of heavy metals in soil and sediment of Puyang River Basin, the pollution sources are analyzed. Finally, the prevention and control countermeasures are put forward in view of the heavy metal pollution existing in soil and sediment of Puyang River Basin. The results show that: (1) As and Cr are two main heavy metals in crystal waste residue, among which As has strong ecological harm and is the main pollutant. (2) before the sediment of Puyang River Basin is cleared, the content of heavy metals in sediment of each section is the same, and the content of heavy metals is high, and As is the metal with the highest enrichment degree. After silting, the heavy metals in soil and sediment of Puyang River Basin are still enriched to a certain extent, but it is obviously lower than the content of heavy metals in sediment before desilting, and some results have been obtained, but the effect of desilting is not consistent. The enrichment degree of heavy metals in soil and sediment is the same. As is the most enriched heavy metal in sediment and soil, which is greatly affected by artificial. (3) Huanglong River and Xixi River are the rivers with the highest concentration of heavy metals in soil and sediment in riparian zone, respectively. The effect of sediment removal in Xixi River is not good, so it is necessary to increase the dredging depth, especially at the industrial park and the estuary of each river. Arsenic-rich plants can be planted in the riparian soil of Huanglong River to reduce the content of As. Puyang River and Liwu River are the rivers with the lowest concentration of heavy metals in the whole basin, and the effect of desilting is better. (4) except Ni, the heavy metals in soil and sediment of Puyang River Basin are generally higher than the background value of Jinqu Basin, the areas with high As and Pb contents are mainly concentrated in two industrial parks, and the areas with high Cr and Zn contents are mainly concentrated in the estuary. Before silting, the source of heavy metal elements in sediment of Puyang River Basin has the characteristics of diversity, showing a certain degree of comprehensive compound pollution. There is a correlation between As and Pb in sediment and soil, which may come from the same pollution source. (5) after silting, the degree of sediment pollution and ecological harm in Puyang River Basin are decreased. The rivers with the most serious soil pollution in Puyang River Basin and riparian zone are Xixi and Huanglong River, respectively. As is the most important pollution element in soil and sediment in Puyang River Basin.
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