[Abstract]:Steel slag is the waste produced in the process of smelting iron and steel. With the rapid development of iron and steel industry in our country, the amount of steel slag pile up in our country is also increasing rapidly. According to incomplete statistics, the stacking capacity of waste steel slag in China has exceeded 1.1 billion tons, and the actual comprehensive utilization rate of steel slag is only 10%. Without the recovery and utilization of this large number of stored waste steel slag, these stored steel slag not only occupies a large amount of land, but also the loss of heavy metal elements in steel slag will also cause serious pollution to the ecological environment, which seriously restricts the sustainable development of China's iron and steel industry. Therefore, the comprehensive utilization of steel slag will not only have great environmental benefits, but also produce huge economic benefits. In this paper, the development course of steel slag grinding equipment is discussed, the traditional grinding equipment is systematically compared, the advantages and disadvantages of various grinding equipment are analyzed, and the advanced nature of cylinder roller grinding in steel slag grinding is demonstrated. The grinding experiment of two samples of steel slag was carried out by using the steel slag grinding experiment system of the company. The experimental results show that the physical properties of the finished steel slag powder are in accordance with the requirements of the national standard, and the cement can be replaced by the same amount of cement, and the wear and power consumption are lower than those of the traditional grinding equipment, which lays an experimental foundation for the development of a large roller mill for grinding steel slag. In this paper, the structural parameters and technical parameters of 桅 3800 roller mill for steel slag are analyzed and calculated, and the main structure of 桅 3800 cylinder roller mill is designed. The main parts of 桅 3800 cylinder roller mill have large structure size and complex force. The finite element analysis of the key parts is carried out by ANSYS Workbench software, and the color rendering diagram of stress and displacement distribution of cylinder body, roller spindle and pressure bar is obtained. It is verified that the strength and stiffness of the main parts of the mill can meet the requirements of use, which lays a foundation for the further research and practical application of the mill.
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