[Abstract]:The Haihe river basin is located in the core area of the northern economy of our country. As a result of the rapid development of the economic and social development of the basin, the acceleration of the urbanization process, and the natural shortage of the natural resources of the water resources in the basin, it has become one of the most severe water shortage and serious pollution in our country, in which the nitrogen pollution is the most prominent. It is of great significance to study the characteristics of the pollution of the water and nitrogen in the typical rivers in the Haihe river basin, and it is of great significance to the river and nitrogen pollution treatment and the river ecological restoration. At the same time, nitrogen is a component of the biological organism, and its geochemical cycle in the river ecosystem is closely related to the problem of river and nitrogen pollution. The present study mainly aims at the problem of the serious nitrogen pollution of the typical river in the Haihe river basin, and through the study of the form and distribution of the occurrence and distribution of the nitrogen in the water body and sediment of the Xianyang river basin, the present situation and the characteristics of the pollution of the river and nitrogen in the basin are presented. and the distribution characteristics and the form of the inorganic nitrogen in the water and the overlying water are analyzed by the representative sample points in the sections of the Youyang River, and the diffusion flux and the annual load contribution amount of the inorganic nitrogen in the water and sediment interface are estimated, The effects of the emission of foreign pollutants and the endogenous release of the sediment on the water quality of the river water were studied, and then the characteristics of the adsorption and desorption of the ammonia nitrogen from the sediments were studied through the study of the pollution characteristics of the "high ammonia nitrogen" of the Xianyang River, by studying the ammonia rate of the surface sediments, the potential nitrification rate (PNR) and the adsorption and desorption characteristics of the sediment on the ammonia nitrogen. The migration and transformation process of the ammonia nitrogen in the sediment is revealed. The results show that: (1) The average concentration of TN in the surface layer of the Tianyang River is 24.95mg/ L, which is out of the national surface water type V standard; the average concentration of the surface sediment TN is 292.02 mg/ kg, and the heavy pollution degree of the American EPA sediment evaluation standard is achieved. The main occurrence of nitrogen in surface water is soluble inorganic nitrogen (DIN), in which NH4 +-N is the main pollution component, accounting for 83.6% of DIN. The main occurrence form of the surface sediments is that of the organic nitrogen, which accounts for 89.02% of the TN, while the main occurrence form of the DIN is NH4 +-N, and the proportion is 54.88%. The correlation analysis shows that the nitrogen content and the distribution of nitrogen in the surface water and sediment of the Tianyang River have a certain effect on the nitrogen content and distribution of the different forms. In addition, the form and the content of the nitrogen in the surface water and the sediment can also be influenced by each other. (2) The content of DIN in the water and pore water in the water and pore water of the Yinyang River is mainly NH4 +-N, and the proportion of the DIN is 96.4% and 94.2%, respectively. In the vertical scale, the concentration of NH4 +-N, NO3--N and NO2--N in the overlying water is basically stable with the increasing of the depth, while the fluctuation of the pore water is large, and the NH4 +-N and the NO3--N both have a maximum value in the range of 0-10 cm. In addition, NO2--N exhibits significant volatility in pore water due to its instability. In that space scale, the inorganic nitrogen in the upper and the pore water is still the most serious in the Shijiazhuang section. The diffusion flux and annual load contribution of the inorganic nitrogen in the water-sediment interface of the water-sediment interface of the Yangyang River have obvious spatial difference. For the diffusion flux, in addition to the N02--N in the whole Biyang River as the release of the water from the sediment, the other shows the non-uniform "source" and "foreign exchange" characteristics, indicating that there is a certain nitrogen pollutant release risk in the sediments of the Biyang River. In the field of Shijiazhuang, the diffusion flux of ammonia nitrogen reached. 42.18 mg/ (m2 路 d), and the annual load contribution of the foreign contamination reached 101.62 t/ a, indicating that the section of the river was seriously polluted by ammonia nitrogen. Therefore, at the same time of controlling the external emission, the endogenous load can not be ignored. (3) The average value of the ammonification rate and the potential nitrification rate of the surface sediment of the Youyang River was 4.30. m u.g N/ (g 路 h) and 0.152. m u.g N/ (g 路 h), respectively, which was about 28 times the latter. Compared with other research results, the changes of the ammoniation rate and PNR of the Biyang River are large, and have obvious spatial difference. The adsorption kinetic process of the surface sediment NH4 +-N is in accordance with the parabolic diffusion model and the modified Elovich model, which includes two stages of rapid adsorption and adsorption equilibrium, the former is completed in the first 120 minutes, and then the adsorption equilibrium is gradually achieved. In the low concentration, the isothermal adsorption curves of the NH4 +-N on the surface sediments of the Biyang River meet the Henry model, the fitting degree of the sediment is extremely remarkable, and the adsorption and desorption equilibrium concentration of the sediment is between 0.55 and 26.15 mg/ L, and the background adsorption amount of the sediment is between 8.181 and 402.68 mg/ kg. In addition to S07, the effect of the Langmuir isotherm equilibrium adsorption model is good, and the maximum adsorption capacity of the sediment to the NH4 +-N is between 429.10 and 1162.60 mg/ kg. The Freundlich model could not fit the data. The desorption of NH _ 4 +-N is similar to that of the adsorption kinetics, but it takes 6 h to achieve the adsorption equilibrium. In addition to S07, the rest of the points can be fitted with a first-order kinetic equation. In addition, the variation range of the equilibrium desorption amount of each point is 36.50 to 400.59 mg/ kg. The equilibrium desorption amount of the surface sediments of the Yangyang River has a certain correlation with the TN, NH4 +-N and C/ N values.
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