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发布时间:2016-09-05 19:28


试论东亚古代铜镜铸造技术的两个传统白云翔关键词: 东亚铜镜青铜铸造陶质镜范石质镜范KEYWORDS : East Asia Bronze Mirrors Bronze Founding Pottery Molds Stone MoldsABSTRACT: In East Asia , the technique of casting bronze mirrors with stone molds first emerged inpresent2day Gansu2Qinghai area at the upper reaches of the Yellow River no later than the beginning ofthe 2nd millennium BCE. Since then , this technique diffused eastward along the zone on both sides of thelater Great Wall into Northeast China , Korean Peninsula and Kyushu region in present2day J apan andformed the tradition of stone mold2casting technique of bronze mirrors. In J apan , this technique lasted tothe 3rd century CE. The technique of casting bronze mirrors with pottery molds emerged around the 9thcentury BCE in the core area of the domain of the Western Zhou Dynasty , i. e. the Shaanxi Plain , thewestern Henan and southern Shanxi Provinces , and got mature at least in the end of the third centuryBCE , which was the turn o... 内容来自转载请标明出处.





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