发布时间:2018-01-03 18:26
本文关键词:铁路桥梁高墩适应性研究 出处:《铁道工程学报》2014年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:研究目的:艰险山区修建铁路,需要跨越深沟峡谷,必然出现大量的高墩大跨桥梁。随着新建铁路运行速度及墩高的增加,为满足桥梁动力性能,针对山区地形地质特点,采用不同的高墩型式,对墩身工程数量及经济指标影响较大。本文重点围绕铁路桥梁高墩的墩型适应性展开研究,掌握不同类型高墩的受力特点、合理墩高适用范围以及经济指标等。研究结论:(1)提出了不同高墩墩型的经济合理的适用范围:当墩高H≤80 m时,应首选单坡空心墩;当墩高100 mH80 m时,扫帚型墩经济性更优;当墩高H100 m时,A型(含人字)桥墩具有明显的经济优势;人字墩适宜于墩高在100~120 m的高墩梁桥,当墩高大于120 m时,宜首选A型高墩。(2)提出了针对艰险山区不同地形地质条件下A型(含人字)墩基础合理采用形式:对于地形坡度相对较陡、地质相对较好的场地,可采用不等高A型斜腿的分离式基础;对于地形坡度相对较缓、地质相对较差的场地,可采用A型墩哑铃型基础或整体式基础。(3)本文研究成果对艰险山区铁路桥墩墩型的合理选用具有指导意义。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to build a railway in difficult and dangerous mountainous areas, which needs to cross deep gullies and canyons, and there must be a large number of long-span bridges with high piers. With the increase of the operating speed and the height of piers, the dynamic performance of the bridges will be satisfied. According to the characteristics of terrain and geology in mountainous areas, different types of high piers have great influence on the quantity of piers and economic indexes. This paper focuses on the adaptability of high piers of railway bridges. Grasp the force characteristics of different types of high pier, reasonable pier height applicable range and economic indicators. The conclusion of the study of different high pier type of economic and reasonable application range: when the pier height H 鈮,