发布时间:2018-01-16 23:23
本文关键词:干接缝节段拼装桥墩抗震性能地震台试验研究 出处:《重庆交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着强调施工工期短、对现有交通影响尽量小、不影响当地的生态环境等方面要求的提高,预制节段拼装技术倍受青睐。然而节段拼装施工技术一直用于桥梁上部结构中,近十几年才逐步用于下部结构。因此对于节段拼装桥墩,其抗震性能如何,目前仍然缺乏系统的研究。鉴于上述原因,本文结合国内外相关研究的现状,通过振动台试验,对节段拼装桥墩进行了抗震性能研究,试图揭示节段拼装桥墩的地震破坏机理;并对节段拼装桥墩进行了非线性有限元分析研究,试图找到节段拼装桥墩的有效模拟方法。综合起来,本文主要进行了以下几部分的工作: ①在查阅大量国内外文献的基础上,对采用节段拼装桥墩的桥梁的应用现状和应用前景、节段拼装桥墩的种类及其力学特征、节段拼装桥墩的理论研究和试验研究等现状进行了回顾与总结。 ②为探讨节段拼装桥墩的抗震性能,设计了一套试验方案,该方案采用振动台试验方法进行试验研究,模型桥墩使用自密实混凝土浇筑而成。 ③采用振动台试验方法分析了本文中混凝土桥墩的动力特性,损伤破坏过程,接缝的扩展规律,相同加速度激励下的最大位移响应等。 ④以OpenSees为基础,针对节段拼装桥墩的构造特点,采用纤维模型分析方法对地震台试件分别进行了非线性时程分析。在此分析方法中,对节段拼装桥墩涉及到的接缝,无粘结预应力钢筋等特殊问题,在结合试验的基础上给出了适宜的模拟方法,然后对振动台试件进行了非线性有限元分析,比较了纤维模型分析结果与试验结果的异同。与试验结果的比较表明:纤维模型分析方法是分析节段拼装桥墩抗震性能的有效近似分析方法。
[Abstract]:With the emphasis on the short construction period, the impact on the existing traffic as little as possible, without affecting the local ecological environment and other aspects of the requirements. Precast segmental assembly technology is very popular. However, segmental assembly construction technology has been used in the superstructure of bridge, and gradually used in the substructure in the past ten years. In view of the above reasons, combined with the domestic and foreign related research status, through shaking table test, the seismic performance of segmental assembled piers is studied. This paper attempts to reveal the seismic failure mechanism of segmental assembled piers. The nonlinear finite element analysis of segmental assembled piers is carried out in order to find an effective simulation method for segmental assembly of piers. 1 on the basis of consulting a large number of domestic and foreign literatures, the application status and prospect of the bridge with segmental piers, the types and mechanical characteristics of segmented piers are discussed. The present situation of theoretical and experimental research on segmental assembled piers is reviewed and summarized. 2 in order to study the seismic behavior of segmental assembled piers, a set of test scheme is designed. The method of shaking table test is used to test and study, and the model pier is made of self-compacting concrete. (3) the dynamic characteristics, damage and failure process of concrete pier, the law of joint expansion and the maximum displacement response under the same acceleration are analyzed by means of shaking table test method in this paper. 4 based on OpenSees, according to the structural characteristics of segmental assembled piers, the nonlinear time-history analysis of seismic station specimens is carried out by using fiber model analysis method. According to the special problems such as joint, unbonded prestressed steel bar and so on, the suitable simulation method is given on the basis of the test, and then the nonlinear finite element analysis of the shaking table specimen is carried out. The comparison between the fiber model analysis results and the experimental results shows that the fiber model analysis method is an effective approximate analysis method for the seismic performance of segmental assembled piers.
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