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发布时间:2018-02-23 00:51

  本文关键词: 地下结构 托换技术 全过程监测 应力 变形 出处:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着城市的升级改造与基础设施建设的不断完善,以及城市用地空间的限制,穿越既有建筑物在地下修建结构的情形日渐增多,这都需要使用托换技术。它作为一种新兴的高度综合性技术,涉及多种学科,且施工难度大、工期长、费用及风险高,所以需要对托换工程的各个施工阶段制定严格的施工组织方案、并进行全过程监测、控制,保证托换结构体系的安全性。 本文以津滨轻轨高架桥的两个桥墩进行托换为研究背景,其主要特点是施工过程中,津滨轻轨继续运营,即在动荷载条件下对其墩柱进行托换,这使得托换工程的难度更高,且必须确保施工的安全性。为此,本文首先介绍了其方案的选择、设计思想、以及托换结构设计的重点难点,给出了部件的设计方法及施工过程中应必须注意的事项,并给出了托换工程最后的结果。最后,,利用有限元分析软件Midas/Civil建立了津滨轻轨桥墩托换的全结构模型,分析了结构的整体受力以及各施工阶段托换结构的应力与变形,结果表明:实际观测数据与理论计算数据吻合良好,说明整个结构在施工过程中,结构均处于安全可靠的应力水平以及变形范围之内,为理论模型的计算并科学的指导施工提供了宝贵的工程经验。
[Abstract]:With the upgrading and upgrading of cities and the continuous improvement of infrastructure construction, as well as the restriction of urban land space, the situation of passing through existing buildings and constructing structures underground is increasing day by day. This requires the use of underpinning technology. As a new and highly comprehensive technology, it involves a variety of disciplines, and is difficult to construct, long construction period, high cost and high risk. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate strict construction organization plan for each construction stage of underpinning project, and to monitor and control the whole process to ensure the safety of underpinning structure system. This paper takes the underpinning of two piers of Jinbin light rail viaduct as the research background. Its main characteristic is that during the construction process, the Jinbin light rail continues to operate, that is, the pier column is underpinned under dynamic load, which makes the underpinning project more difficult. And the safety of construction must be ensured. For this reason, this paper first introduces the selection of its scheme, the design idea, and the key and difficult points in the design of the underpinning structure, and gives the design method of the components and the matters that should be paid attention to in the construction process. The final results of the underpinning project are given. Finally, the full structure model of the pier replacement of Jinbin Light Rail Bridge is established by using finite element analysis software Midas/Civil, and the overall force of the structure and the stress and deformation of the underpinning structure in each construction stage are analyzed. The results show that the actual observation data are in good agreement with the theoretical calculation data, which indicates that the structure is in a safe and reliable stress level and deformation range during the construction process. It provides valuable engineering experience for theoretical model calculation and scientific guidance of construction.


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