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发布时间:2018-04-12 14:13

  本文选题:高速公路 + 养护管理系统 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文通过对国内外高速公路养护系统的发展现状进行研究,探讨我国现有的高速公路管理模式及特点,详细分析目前我国养护体制存在的弊端。高速公路作为我国建设的基础设施,养护管理体制不健全,养护人员整体素质不高,缺少专业化的养护知识,至今也没用全国统一的养护标准和技术准则,养护机械设备比较落后。对于我国养护体制的不足,可以借鉴国外先进的养护技术和管理模式,再结合我国公路的具体情况和特征,提出相对应的改进方法。同时加快构建健全良好的养护体制,提高养护设备机械化水平,结合专业化的技术人员,采用先进的科技设备,以养护经验为参考依据,不断发展新的养护技术。 在高速公路养护管理系统中心建立数据库,并将管理的范围划分为项目级管理系统与网级管理系统,对路面的属性数据如公路的宽度、车道数和路面状况数据如路面的抗滑性能、服务指数、病害等必要信息进行统一管理工作,进行数据自动化监测,将当代高速公路信息化与管理科学现代化结合在一起。利用这个现代化的数据库平台,可以及时了解和掌握高速公路当前的运营状况和病害程度。 针对不同结构类型的公路病害如槽坑、车辙、龟裂、翻浆等的成因进行分析,并以沥青混凝土和水泥混凝土这两种主要的路面类型为例提出路面病害的解决对策,详细阐述了路面养护工作的重要性。并提出预防性养护的观点,对路面进行实时监控,针对路面出现的裂缝、沉降等各种病害,采用灌浆、罩面等方式,及时控制路面病害的蔓延,实行“预防为主,防治结合”的政策,通过对比预防性养护和路面大修养护的经济效益和社会效益,强调了路面预防性养护的重要性。 本文以湖北省汉十高速为例,通过系统研究了汉十高速公路路面结构、气候、交通、工程等影响路面性能因素以及路面平整度、抗滑性能、弯沉指数等各项使用性能指标,并根据路面影响因素的权重分配,对路面养护维修费用进行解剖,,强调了高速公路养护的经济效益,并提出可持续发展的新型养护体制。通过对路面使用性能及结构破损状况进行模拟、评估,结合路面的养护需求、对策分析以及养护费用的优化分配,为高速公路的养护决策提供了最科学、有效的依据,让高速公路的养护管理系统有了更大的发展空间。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the present situation of expressway maintenance system at home and abroad is studied, the management mode and characteristics of expressway in China are discussed, and the disadvantages of maintenance system in our country are analyzed in detail.As the infrastructure of the construction of our country, the maintenance management system is not perfect, the overall quality of the maintainers is not high, and the specialized maintenance knowledge is lacking. So far, there is no uniform maintenance standard and technical standard in the whole country.Maintenance machinery and equipment are relatively backward.For the shortage of maintenance system in our country, we can draw lessons from the advanced maintenance technology and management mode of foreign countries, and combine with the concrete situation and characteristic of our country's highway, put forward the corresponding improvement method.At the same time, we should quicken the construction and perfect the good maintenance system, improve the mechanization level of the maintenance equipment, combine the specialized technical personnel, adopt the advanced science and technology equipment, take the maintenance experience as the reference, and develop the new maintenance technology continuously.The database is established in the expressway maintenance management system center, and the scope of management is divided into project-level management system and network-level management system.The data of lane number and pavement condition, such as pavement anti-skid performance, service index, disease and other necessary information, are unified management, data automation monitoring, the combination of modern highway information and management science modernization.Using this modern database platform, we can understand and master the current operation condition and disease degree of expressway in time.Based on the analysis of the causes of road diseases such as grooves, ruts, cracks and slips of different structural types, this paper takes asphalt concrete and cement concrete as examples, and puts forward some countermeasures to solve the pavement diseases.The importance of pavement maintenance is expounded in detail.It also puts forward the viewpoint of preventive maintenance, carries on the real-time monitoring to the road surface, aims at the pavement crack, the settlement and so on each kind of disease, adopts the grouting, the overlay and so on way, controls the road surface disease spread in time, implements "the prevention primarily,"By comparing the economic and social benefits of preventive maintenance and pavement maintenance, the importance of pavement preventive maintenance is emphasized.In this paper, taking the Hanshi Expressway in Hubei Province as an example, the factors affecting pavement performance, such as pavement structure, climate, traffic and engineering, as well as pavement smoothness, skid resistance, deflection index and so on, are systematically studied.According to the weight distribution of pavement influencing factors, the maintenance cost of pavement is dissected, the economic benefit of highway maintenance is emphasized, and a new maintenance system for sustainable development is put forward.Through the simulation and evaluation of pavement performance and structural damage, combined with pavement maintenance demand, countermeasure analysis and optimal distribution of maintenance cost, this paper provides the most scientific and effective basis for expressway maintenance decision.So that the highway maintenance and management system has a greater space for development.


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