traffic engineering intelligent transportation system summar
Research Summary on Transportation Cyber Physical Systems and the Challenging Technologies
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SUN Di-hua, LI Yong-fu , LIU Wei-ning , ZHAO Min , LIAO Xiao-yong (1. School of Automation, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Cyber Physi
[1]重庆大学自动化学院,重庆400044; [2]重庆大学信息物理社会可信服务计算教育部重点实验室,重庆400044; [3]重庆邮电大学自动化学院,重庆400065
Abstr:In order to provide reference for the development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), aimed at the traditional transportation systems which have not yet achieved fullcoordination and optimization due to lack of widespread interconnection, intercommunication and interoperability, and considering cyber physical systems (CPS) as multi-dimensional complexsystems, which integrate cyber element and physical element through the computation, communication and control technology to achieve the precise perception and effective control ofthe physical systems via the interaction and feedback between the cyber systems and physical systems, the study of transportation cyber physical systems (T-CPS) was carried out with theintroduction of CPS into the transportation systems. Based on the analysis of ITS, CPS and the characteristics of transportation systems, the fundamental architecture of T-CPS was proposed,the {unctions of corresponding layers and characteristics of T-CPS were explained, through the comparison of T-CPS and ITS some key techniques of T-CPS were discussed, and the implementationsand applications of T CPS were also presented. The results show that the study of T CPS fully embodies the deep fusion of the transportation cyber world and transportation physical world andprovides theoretical support for next generation of ITS.
Keyword::traffic engineering intelligent transportation system summary transportation cyber physical system