本文选题:深埋隧道 + 岩爆 ; 参考:《金属矿山》2016年11期
[Abstract]:Based on the research results of structural surface rockburst at home and abroad and taking the Gamchick tunnel of Uzbekistan as the engineering background, the occurrence of structural plane under the condition of single set of structural plane of deep buried tunnel is studied by using discrete element numerical method. The effect of spacing and position on rock burst. The dangerous areas where rockburst is most likely to occur in tunnel, the dangerous dip angle of structure surface and the most dangerous position of structural plane are analyzed. From the final simulation results, we can see that under the condition of maximum horizontal principal stress, the stress concentration area near the arch top of the straight wall semi-circular arch tunnel and the corner of the sidewall wall is the high risk position for the occurrence of rockburst, and under the condition of single structure plane, The occurrence of rockburst is mainly concentrated in the position of steeply inclined structural plane, and generally no rockburst occurs in the gently inclined structural plane, and the occurrence of the structural plane will affect the failure mode of surrounding rock, and the gently inclined structural surface will easily induce the flexural failure of surrounding rock. However, shear or slip along the direction of structural plane is more likely to occur in steeply inclined structural plane, and the position relationship between structural plane and excavation boundary is changed with the change of structural plane spacing, thus affecting rockburst. The closer the structural plane outside the excavation boundary is to the boundary, the higher the stress near it is, and the more likely it is to induce rockburst. The study focuses on the influence of the structure on the rock burst in the tunnel, and analyzes the structure surface shape which is easy to induce the rock burst, which has a certain guiding function for the site selection, the prediction of the rock burst and the prevention and cure of the rock burst in the actual engineering.
【作者单位】: 福州大学环境与资源学院;
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