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发布时间:2018-08-02 15:22
【摘要】:为掌握施工期竖井支护结构的内力发展及分布情况,指导竖井土方开挖及衬护施工。在竖井支护结构不同高程和不同方向的受力主筋上安装钢筋计量测钢筋应力,从而监控施工期支护结构内力的变化。监测成果表明,施工期竖井支护结构主要表现为受压状态,同高程水平环向结构应力大于竖向,地下连续墙中部结构应力大于下部,内衬墙下部水平环向结构应力大于中部;逆作法按6 m一段土方开挖和支护衬砌,施工至第五、六层时结构受力最大,计算分析结构受力安全系数在允许范围内。监测成果为竖井的开挖衬护施工提供指导,亦可为其它类似竖井工程的监测、设计和施工提供参考。
[Abstract]:In order to understand the development and distribution of the internal force of the shaft support structure during the construction period, the earth excavation and lining construction of the shaft are guided. In order to monitor the change of internal force of supporting structure during construction period, the steel bar is installed on the main reinforcement with different elevations and different directions to measure the stress of steel bar. The monitoring results show that the support structure of shaft during construction period is mainly under pressure, the stress of horizontal circumferential structure is greater than that of vertical direction, the stress of middle part of underground continuous wall is greater than that of lower part, and the stress of horizontal circumferential structure of lower part of lining wall is greater than that of middle part of lining wall. According to 6 m section of earth excavation and support lining, the structure has the largest force when it is constructed to the fifth and sixth floors. The calculation and analysis of the safety factor of the structure is within the allowable range. The monitoring results provide guidance for the excavation and lining construction of the shaft, as well as reference for the monitoring, design and construction of other similar shaft projects.
【作者单位】: 广东省水利水电科学研究院;广东省岩土工程技术研究中心;湛江市鉴江供水枢纽工程建设管理处;


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