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发布时间:2018-10-12 09:30
【摘要】:港珠澳大桥建设,是连接香港、珠海、澳门两岸三地的大型跨海桥梁建设工程,本文以港珠澳大桥江海直达船航道斜拉桥索塔吊装工程为背景,对斜拉桥索塔结构进行了详细的分析,并对索塔在模块化整体吊装过程中的受力状况进行了分析计算。索塔作为整个大桥施工的标志性建筑其高为110m,重达2650t,加之吊装作业在海面进行,受到场地及环境因素影响,使索塔吊装成为整个工程中风险最大、难度最高的工程标段之一。 索塔吊装施工过程分为起吊、翻身、转位和移位几个过程,为保证索塔整体模块吊装过程安全可靠、准确稳妥,需要对主塔吊装过程进行安全评价。本文选取0。、45。及90。三个典型吊装工况作为模拟研究对象,利用Ansys有限元分析软件分析索塔在吊具与自身重力的作用下索塔与吊具连接段的受力情况。经分析表明在吊装过程中索塔的强度、刚度均不符合要求。根据分析结果利用Ansys定值显示功能模块确定在三个吊装工况吊装时索塔产生应力集中的区域,再根据索塔与吊具连接段索塔内部结构通过加设加强板与加强槽钢对索塔进行加强。最后对加强后的索塔在三种吊装工况下的强度、刚度以及稳定性重新校核。结果表明经过加强的索塔强度、刚度及稳定性均符合要求。
[Abstract]:The construction of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is a large-scale cross-sea bridge construction project connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. This paper takes the cable tower crane of the cable-stayed bridge in the river and sea channel of Hong Kong, Zhuhai-Macao Bridge as the background. The cable tower structure of cable-stayed bridge is analyzed in detail, and the stress condition of cable tower in modular integral hoisting process is analyzed and calculated. As the iconic building of the whole bridge construction, the cable tower has a height of 110 m and a weight of 2650 t. In addition, the hoisting operation is carried out on the sea surface, which is affected by the site and environment factors, which makes the cable tower crane one of the most risky and difficult engineering marks in the whole project. The construction process of cable tower crane is divided into lifting, turning over, transposing and shifting. In order to ensure the safety, reliability and accuracy of the whole module hoisting process, it is necessary to evaluate the safety of the main tower crane. This paper chooses 0.45. And 90. Three typical hoisting conditions were used as the simulation object. The stress of the connection section between the cable tower and the hoist was analyzed by using the Ansys finite element analysis software under the action of the hoisting gear and its own gravity. The analysis shows that the strength and stiffness of the cable tower do not meet the requirements in the process of hoisting. According to the analysis results, the stress concentration area of the cable tower is determined by using the Ansys fixed value display function module when hoisting the tower under three hoisting conditions. According to the internal structure of the cable tower connecting the cable tower and the hanger, the cable tower is strengthened by adding stiffening plate and strengthening channel steel. Finally, the strength, stiffness and stability of the reinforced cable tower under three hoisting conditions are rechecked. The results show that the strengthened cable tower strength, stiffness and stability all meet the requirements.


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