发布时间:2018-11-10 10:45
【摘要】:摘要:施工线形监控是桥梁施工过程的重要组成部分,其监控质量的好坏直接影响到桥梁的施工质量。目前,对施工线形监控的研究已经取得了一定的成果,但在误差调整方面,已有的立模标高计算公式均未对后续节段可能产生的误差进行考虑,使得监控具有一定的盲目性。本文针对这一不足展开研究,提出将后续节段的可能产生误差的预测值的反号值作为一个计算参数来对已有的立模标高计算公式进行优化,从而解决传统监控计算盲目性的问题。主要研究成果如下: (1)针对已有立模标高的计算方法的不足进行了分析,指出了现有误差调整方法未对后续节段可能产生的误差进行考虑而使得监控具有盲目性的不足; (2)在已有立模标高计算公式的基础上结合施工误差的特性以及灰色预测理论,提出了将后续节段误差预测值的反号值作为一个计算参数,来对现有立模标高计算公式进行优化,在理论上消除了现有误差调整方法盲目性的问题; (3)建立了相关的有限元模型,为后续研究分析提供数据基础; (4)结合优化的立模标高计算公式及6数据马尔科夫残差修正模型对小浃江大桥各节段误差进行了预测计算,通过与实测误差数据对比,指出了该优化公式可为同跨径甚至更大跨径挂篮施工连续梁桥或连续刚构桥施工监控提供参考借鉴。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: the construction linear monitoring is an important part of the bridge construction process, and the quality of the monitoring directly affects the construction quality of the bridge. At present, some achievements have been made in the research of construction linear monitoring, but in the aspect of error adjustment, none of the existing formulas for calculating the elevation of vertical formwork has taken into account the possible errors in the subsequent segment, which makes the monitoring have certain blindness. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes that the inverse value of the prediction value of the possible error in the subsequent segment should be taken as a calculation parameter to optimize the existing formulas for calculating the elevation of the vertical model. In order to solve the problem of blindness of traditional monitoring calculation. The main research results are as follows: (1) the shortcomings of the existing methods for calculating the elevation of vertical die are analyzed. It is pointed out that the existing error adjustment methods do not take into account the possible errors in the subsequent segment, which makes the monitoring blind. (2) on the basis of the calculation formula of vertical model elevation, combining with the characteristic of construction error and grey prediction theory, the inverse value of the prediction value of subsequent segment error is proposed as a calculation parameter. In order to optimize the existing calculation formulas of vertical die elevation, the blindness of existing error adjustment methods is eliminated theoretically. (3) the relevant finite element model is established to provide the data basis for the subsequent research and analysis. (4) combining with the optimized elevation calculation formula of vertical model and the modified model of 6 data Markov residuals, the errors of each segment of Xiaojiajiang Bridge are forecasted and calculated, and the results are compared with the measured error data. It is pointed out that the optimization formula can be used for reference for the construction of continuous beam bridge or continuous rigid frame bridge construction with the same span or even more span hanging basket.
[Abstract]:Absrtact: the construction linear monitoring is an important part of the bridge construction process, and the quality of the monitoring directly affects the construction quality of the bridge. At present, some achievements have been made in the research of construction linear monitoring, but in the aspect of error adjustment, none of the existing formulas for calculating the elevation of vertical formwork has taken into account the possible errors in the subsequent segment, which makes the monitoring have certain blindness. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes that the inverse value of the prediction value of the possible error in the subsequent segment should be taken as a calculation parameter to optimize the existing formulas for calculating the elevation of the vertical model. In order to solve the problem of blindness of traditional monitoring calculation. The main research results are as follows: (1) the shortcomings of the existing methods for calculating the elevation of vertical die are analyzed. It is pointed out that the existing error adjustment methods do not take into account the possible errors in the subsequent segment, which makes the monitoring blind. (2) on the basis of the calculation formula of vertical model elevation, combining with the characteristic of construction error and grey prediction theory, the inverse value of the prediction value of subsequent segment error is proposed as a calculation parameter. In order to optimize the existing calculation formulas of vertical die elevation, the blindness of existing error adjustment methods is eliminated theoretically. (3) the relevant finite element model is established to provide the data basis for the subsequent research and analysis. (4) combining with the optimized elevation calculation formula of vertical model and the modified model of 6 data Markov residuals, the errors of each segment of Xiaojiajiang Bridge are forecasted and calculated, and the results are compared with the measured error data. It is pointed out that the optimization formula can be used for reference for the construction of continuous beam bridge or continuous rigid frame bridge construction with the same span or even more span hanging basket.
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