[Abstract]:With the development of China's national economy, the number of motor vehicles continues to increase, resulting in traffic jams in many cities. As a means to solve urban traffic congestion, public transport priority has been widely used in many countries. At home, some achievements have been made in public transport priority, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Further implementation of public transport priority, improve the level of public transport services, attract more people to choose public transport travel. In order to reduce the delay of public transport at intersections, this paper takes single signalized intersection as the research object, and adopts two methods to provide priority for public transport: intermittent bus priority entry priority and bus signal priority. Intermittent bus priority entry priority can reduce bus queue delay and bus signal priority can reduce the delay caused by signal control. This article is summarized as follows: 1. This paper summarizes the main methods of bus priority: bus lane, bus entrance road, bus signal priority, introduces the optimization method of bus signal priority phase design and signal timing optimization. 2. In order to make full use of the capacity of entrance roads, this paper proposes that intermittent bus priority entrances should be set up under certain conditions, and the conditions, setting methods and pre-signal timing methods for setting intermittent bus priority entrances are given. 3. The mathematical model of adaptive bus priority is established, and the nonlinear programming is used to solve the model. Without considering the right-turn traffic flow, the eight-phase scheme is used to optimize the phase scheme, and the phase switching rule of adaptive bus priority is established. 4. Three kinds of conditions are simulated by VISSIM: Webster timing scheme for bus entry routes and non-linear programming timing scheme for intermittent bus priority entrances. The simulation results show that under certain conditions, the scheme of intermittent bus priority entry is better than that of bus lane, and the signal timing scheme based on nonlinear programming is better than the traditional Webster signal timing scheme.
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