[Abstract]:The foreign genes of transgenic animals were transformed into cells by somatic cell cloning and embryo transfer, and most of them existed in the genome of recipient animals in the form of random integration. The integrative copy number of foreign genes in transgenic animals is one of the important factors that affect the expression level and genetic stability of foreign genes, which is used as the identification index of genetic stability of transgenic animals. After the survival of transgenic animals, it is necessary to detect the copy number of foreign genes. In order to study the relationship between the copy number and the expression level of the (Capra hircus) gene of the transgenic Albus white cashmere goat, the internal and external (red fluorescence protein from Discosoma sp.,Ds Red gene of sea anemone was studied. In this study, DNA blotting (Southern blot) was more efficient and sensitive than the traditional method of identifying the copy number of foreign genes. The copy numbers of three different fragments of exogenous Ds Red gene expression frame of 6 transgenic white cashmere goats were detected by absolute quantitative Q RT-PCR method. The results showed that the copy number of the three fragments of exogenous gene was cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus,CMV) promoter: 2.80 卤0.38C 13.68 卤0.16Ds Red gene: 1.34 卤0.04nb 11.84 卤0.02; The junction between CMV promoter and Ds Red was 1.58 卤0.04 卤19.22 卤0.38. The expression of exogenous Ds Red gene m RNA in 6 transgenic white cashmere goats was detected by using the relative quantitative method in Q RT-PCR. The correlation between the expression of m RNA and the copy number data of three different fragments of exogenous gene was analyzed by SPSS software. The correlation coefficient P value was: the CMV promoter was P0. 763; There was no significant correlation between the P value of Ds Red group 0.803 and P0. 803 because of the connection between Ds Red promoter and P0. 665CMV promoter, P value was higher than 0. 05, there was no significant correlation between P0. 665 and P0. 803 group. The results showed that there was no significant correlation between the expression of Ds Red gene and the number of copies in the genomes of the transgenic white cashmere goats at the level of 0.05, which was initiated by the foreign CMV promoter of 6 transgenic Albus white cashmere goats. In addition, the reliability of the absolute quantitative Q RT-PCR method in the study of foreign gene copy number of large transgenic domestic animals was verified: its reproducibility was good, the error was controllable, and it could be used as the preferred method to detect the foreign gene copy number of transgenic animals.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古大学生命科学学院/哺乳动物生殖生物学及生物技术教育部重点实验室;
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