[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the association of ApoE gene polymorphism with cerebral infarction (CI) and cerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in Tibetan patients with cerebrovascular disease in Qinghai province, and to study the relationship between ApoE gene polymorphism and cerebrovascular disease. It is of great significance to further study the genetic background of cerebrovascular diseases. Methods: a total of 94 inpatients were selected from Qinghai Provincial people's Hospital, Guoluozhou people's Hospital and affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University, including 48 patients with cerebral infarction with an average age of (61.39 卤10.48) years. The average age of 46 patients with intracerebral hemorrhage was (63.17 卤10.92) years old. A total of 96 healthy Tibetan residents from the physical examination Center of Qinghai Provincial people's Hospital were selected as subjects. DNA. was extracted from all the above research objects. The genotypes of ApoE were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR and compared with each other. The relationship between ApoE genotype and cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage was inferred by genotypes, and the distribution of ApoE genotype in Tibetan population was studied. Results: 1. In Tibetan population, E2/E3 genotype was more common, E2/E3 genotype was 50% in CI group, followed by E2/E4 (25%), E3/E3 (20.8%), E3/E4 (4%). E2/E2 (0%), E3/E3 (0%); E2/E3 was most common in ICH group (65.2%), followed by E2/E4 (21.7%) and E3/E3 (13.0%). In the healthy control group, E2/E4 (64.6%) genotype was the most common, followed by E2/E3 (33.3%) and E3/E4 (2.08%). No homozygous genotype was found. In Tibetan population, 蔚 3 allele was the most common allele in CI group (48.0%), followed by 蔚 2 allele (37.5%) and 蔚 4 (14.6%). The most common alleles in ICH were 蔚 2 (43.5%), 蔚 3 (45.7%) and 蔚 4 (10.9%). 蔚 3 is the most common allele in Tibetan patients with cerebrovascular disease. In normal controls, 蔚 2 (49.0%) was the most common allele, followed by 蔚 4 (33.3%) and 蔚 3 (17.7%). Conclusions: 1. 蔚 3 allele may be the susceptible factor of cerebrovascular disease in Tibetan population, 蔚 2 allele is the most common allele in Tibetan healthy control group, and may be the protective factor of cerebrovascular disease. 2.ApoE is the most common factor in Tibetan population. The heterozygotes E2 / E3 / E2 / E4 and homozygotes were relatively few, suggesting that the hypobaric environment at high altitude might provide favorable factors for genotype mutation. The TG values of serum lipoprotein profiles were different among different alleles in Tibetan population. It was concluded that different alleles might have an effect on lipid metabolism in serum.
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