[Abstract]:Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. Heilongjiang Province is located in the northern part of China and is the most important rice grain production base in China. Low temperature chilling injury is one of the main obstacles to yield reduction of rice in Heilongjiang Province. With the continuous expansion of direct seeding area, rice researchers pay more and more attention to chilling injury in seedling stage. Therefore, it is important to study the cold tolerance genes of rice seedlings and to find out the molecular mechanism of cold tolerance in rice seedlings, which plays an important role in improving the stress tolerance of crops. In this experiment, chilling tolerant rice cultivar Gangyu 131 (K131) and cold sensitive cultivar Longjing 11 (L11) were used as research objects. By using digital expression profile of rice, a cold-tolerant response gene OsrbcS3, related to photosynthesis was selected to use PCR, real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR,. Bioinformatics analysis, physiological index determination, Gateway cloning technique and Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated method were used to study OsrbcS3 gene from DNA level, mRNA level and protein level. The main results are as follows: 1. There are significant differences in cold tolerance of 12 rice varieties in the first, second and third accumulated temperature areas of Heilongjiang Province. K131 and L11, which have strong cold tolerance, were selected for experiment. 2. By analyzing the correlation between cold tolerance of 12 rice varieties at bud stage, seedling stage and booting stage, it was concluded that there was a significant positive correlation between seedling stage and bud stage and between seedling stage and booting stage. But there were some exceptions, such as the cold tolerance of Longjing 21 was weak at seedling stage, but the cold tolerance was stronger at booting stage. The sequence of OsrbcS3 gene cloned in rice K131 and L11 was completely consistent with the gene on NCBI, and the base sequence of K131-OsrbcS3 and L11-OsrbcS3 gene was identical. The CDS region was 528 BP, encoding 175 amino acids. The expression of OsrbcS3 gene was analyzed at 2 h, 5 h, 12 h and 24 h after cold treatment. The results showed that the expression of OsrbcS3 gene in K131 and L11 was up-regulated under cold stress, and the expression of OsrbcS3 gene in K131 was higher than that in K131. The low expression of OsrbcS3 gene in L11 and the difference of cold tolerance between the two cultivars were probably due to the difference in gene expression. The physiological indexes such as Rubisco activity in K131 and L11 were measured under low temperature treatment. It was further explained that the difference of OsrbcS3 gene expression level may be the reason that K131 is stronger than L11 in cold tolerance. 6. The callus of L11 was transformed into transgenic OsrbcS3 gene plants to prepare materials for verifying the function of OsrbcS3 gene.
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