[Abstract]:Acinetobacter baumannii (Acinetobacter baumannii) was the first of the "most resistant TOP12" recently announced by WHO this year, producing resistance to almost all structural classes of antibiotics. Polymyxin is considered to be the "last line of defense" in the treatment of Acinetobacter baumannii, but there are many problems in the treatment of Acinetobacter baumannii infection by polymyxin. Although the clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii showed polymyxin sensitive type, the failure rate of treatment of Acinetobacter baumannii infection with polymyxin was as high as 35%, indicating that the failure of hospital treatment was not related to the traditional drug-resistant bacteria. It may be related to the adaptive resistance of bacteria caused by insufficient dose of polymyxin. Therefore, we speculate that Acinetobacter baumannii genome may have a "drug resistance suppressor gene," in changing the external environment, the "drug resistance suppressor gene" is "silenced", so the bacteria become resistant. In order to verify the idea of "drug resistance suppressor gene", we combined mariner transposition and polymyxin to screen some drug resistant mutants, localize and prove the existence of "drug resistance suppressor gene", and lay a foundation for the further study of drug resistance mechanism. In this study, polymyxin resistant mutants constructed by mariner transposition system combined with polymyxin were used as the study samples. The mariner transposon insertion sites of some polymyxin resistant mutants were located by reverse PCR technique. The interrupted drug-resistance-related genes were cloned into the complementary vector (pSUTetAB), and then the respective complementary plasmids were transferred into the corresponding mutants to detect the changes of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of polymyxin in mutants and mutants. The gene with good correlation with drug resistance was identified, and the gene was knockout by RecETab recombination system, and the relationship between the gene locus and drug resistance was further verified by phenotypic analysis. Finally, bacterial two-hybrid technique was used to explore the drug resistance mechanism of this site. In this study, the reverse PCR technique was used to locate the six transposin insertion sites of polymyxin resistant mutants, and to compare the polymyxin MIC changes between mutants and mutants by constructing corresponding repair plasmids. The DJ41_1093 (anti- 蟽) locus, which has good correlation with drug resistance, was identified, and the drug resistance correlation was verified by knockout of the locus gene by RecETab recombination system. In addition, the possible interaction site DJ41_848 (anti- 蟽) with DJ41_1093 was found by genome tagging information, and the interaction between the two genes before and after codon optimization was verified by bacterial two-hybrid experiment. Preliminary results showed that there was no correlation between the two genes.
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